how the hell do i get my pics on


Active Member
iv been trying for two days now to upload my pics i go onto the paper clip then then the file uplaod cums up i select my pics and then it just loads for ages and ages sumone told me to make the files smaller and jpg so now there like 50kb and its still just loading on the file uploader
i never resize my photos before i upload them.. i just do what you're doing, but idk.. if you have microsoft paint, you can simply use that to resize the pixles to like 400 x 600, i think that is basically the right size..
microsoft paint came free on my computer, maybe you have it as well.. if so, open it up, hit resize image, pixel size, and pick the 400 x 600 size, and than save the pix from there..
when you go to the pix uploader, make sure you pick the smaller pix..

hope that helps some.. :)
thats what i did first time and then i went online to convert 2 go and made them really small just wont upload iv had to put up web adress where my pics are
The site already resizes them for you doesn't it???
Yeah,this one was 1.09 mb and the attachment manager resized it to 78 kb.
Idk if your camera sazes the pics with an uppercase JPG but the site doesn't read those.
The site already resizes them for you doesn't it???
View attachment 1808693
Yeah,this one was 1.09 mb and the attachment manager resized it to 78 kb.
Idk if your camera sazes the pics with an uppercase JPG but the site doesn't read those.

yah, i always thought that the site resizes them too beansly as i never have to touch them for here..

you could also use a web based picture hosting site.. there are tons like photobucket and plenty of others.. post your pix on a site like that, than simply copy the image url and post them here that way.. i know it's a pain in the ass, but i know a lot of people do do it that way..
yeah i done it that way altho iv used a shit site thats made my pics small check out my thread i want opions on if im doing alright first grow im only a week in
Shit Idk how it works with a cell phone dude, but I've heard a few people have issues with loading their pic off the phone sorry....
Before you start loading pics from you phone though you REALLY need to read this. Basically, unless you remove it, the iphone uses the gps to pinpoint where every photoe was taken, meaning that cops can take the pic and find your house.

Urgent notice to smartphone users
I would normally never make a thread title in all caps, but this is a pretty important thing to know, and I had no idea.

I just realized that the other day that I had been uploading the exact GPS coordinates of my grow spot publicly on the internet! I had been taking photos all summer with my iPhone out of sheer convenience, and as I was walking back I thought that I might want to take a look at what kind of metadata Apple puts into these pictures. The answer is, a lot. I used a freely available tool from:

I downloaded one of my photos from my album of this summers grow, and used the program with the command: exiftool -v [photo] and was greeted with this (I cut it off on the left side so you all couldn't see the values):

I was furious, but I realized that it was kind of my fault for not looking into this earlier. I should've known. But then again, this is in no way general public knowledge.

So, to smartphone users that have GPS and use it to take pics of their plants, be sure that you are not doing what I was doing. If you'd like to use that tool, the command to delete all the metadata is:
exiftool -all= [directory containing photos]
That is -all= , be sure to leave the blank space after the equal sign.

I hope this helps, with GPS enabled smartphones becoming more popular, I could see more people needing to know this.
well im in uk only doin two plants and u dont get fuck all for growing unless its loads also i uploaded them of my pc u only have to put the pics on ur pc off ur phone they cant track that