How to avoid caterpillars and mites organically (socal outdoor grow)

Does anyone use an organic product that can handle both of these pests??

I might just play it safe and buy 2 products.. but that's getting expensive.

If i have to buy 2 it would probably be safer caterpillar and neem oil although I've heard
homemade recipes like garlic and dish soap work well. But i REALLY don't wana take chances.

iF anyone could point me in the right direction it would be appreciated!!!! :joint::shock: :hump:


Well-Known Member
Bacillus thuringiensis for the caterpillars, I had them last year and so I'm stepping up the security this year. Spray neem oil for mites, i have gotten rid of them using neem but never had mites outdoors in southern california. Also, planting caterpillar trap plants can help, or planting things that the caterpillars and mites desire more than cannabis.
Thats a good idea putting another plant out that they prefer over cannabis! I think im going to look into that!! And I'm really not sure if they are mites or another type of pest but they are white and i think they have wings but i cant be sure. Probably just use neem oil to be safe tho