How To Create Your Own Plant Strain


Well-Known Member

The only real thing keeping people from breeding their own strains is that now most places Feminize a LOT of their seeds. If you are going to breed a strain, you need to get a Male plant. So start off by growing regular seeds, not feminized. Then once you get a male, make clones.

Spotting a Male is also not very hard, what you do is make clones of your plants and put the new cuttings in the dark for 24 hrs, or put them on a 12/12 light cycle. They will eventually show you which ones are male and which are female.

Once you have males, you can then get Feminized seeds. If you want to make your own strain, you need to make sure you have 2 different strains, 1 strain male, 1 strain female. Then you pollenate the female and you will get seeds if you do it right. keeping them together in a grow room with a fan is also a good idea.


Once you have seeds, you breed the seeds with their brothers and sisters. This is called "Locking in the Genetics". You have probably seen the Square with the 4 Genetic things, at this point you can choose exactly which genetics you want to show themselves and after a few breeding cycles you will have the "Phenotypes", that is what is in the 4 squares. This is how a strain is stabilized, and you have a new strain. This can also be done with different kinds of Tomatoes, I plant on eventually making some Mixed breed tomatoes using Australian Beefsteak tomatoes, which are huge and weird. And there are like 1,000,000 different kinds of tomatoes to mix it with.

I have been studying Plant Breeding because I grow Medical Marijuana and a few different kinds of dream herbs, and I found "Intergenetic Hybrids". Most people think that Species means things that can breed, but can't breed with other species, but this definition is not true. If 2 species are close enough, they can breed. These are known as "Intergenetic Hybrids". Orchids produce these readily between every species, and other examples are Mules, and Ligers and Tygons. There are also a few other possibilities for Hybrids.

I have been looking Mainly in to the Mint and Pepper families, and
there are TONS of different possible breeding patterns because those 2 families are huge. And I have a theory that if I Graft 2 plants together that are different species and different gender, it will be easier to breed them together. I know that if I make sure there are no breeding partners of the same species, that will definitely help.
My plan with this is to create new plants, that possibly have new Terpenes. Or higher levels of Terpenes than the parent plants. Then those plants can be used in Perfume making.

Caryophyllene is not very commonly known, but this is what they use to train Dogs to smell for Marijuana. Marijuana contains a good amount of Caryophyllene and so do other plants, examples are: Cloves, Hops, Basil & Oregano. Caryophyllene actually attaches to the CB1 receptor, but the plants that contain it are not illegal because it is not similar to THC in structure, Caryophyllene is actually the first Cannabinoid to be approved as a food additive by the FDA. Uziza leaf or the Uziza Peppercorns are the best source for Caryophyllene, Uziza is related to the Pepper plant and it is popular in Nigeria, but it has not been common in Europe since the Middle Ages. In Nigeria they use Pepper, Uziza, and other spices like "Grains of Paradise" that we do not use commonly here.
Caryophyllene is known a "Terpene". Cannabis contains a number of Terpenes, and another Major one is Lemonene/Biphenyl. They have found that Lemonene can actually effect your mood when smoked or ingested, and they are doing further research, in which I am pretty sure they are going to find that Lemonoids are an entire class of Cannabinoids.

Myrcene is another Major Terpene in Cannabis. It is the most abundant Terpene in Hops, which means they are a large portion of what makes Beer what it is. It is also found in Lemon Grass and Indian Bay Leaves.
Myrcene itself has Opiod Analgesic (Pain Killer) effects, but it also helps THC cross the Blood Brain Barrier, allowing less Marijuana or Hash to have more of an effect.

Terpenes are an over arching group, but there are Diterpenes and Triterpenes and Sesquiterpenes, etc. And you can find them in pretty much every plant. Terpenes make up pretty much the entire world of Natural Smells and Medicines. Everything from Lemon Peels, to Tree Sap, to Cooking Herbs, to Catnip, Essential Oils,Aromatherapy oils etc etc etc. It all has some kind of Terpene in it.
How to Start Your Own Online Economy

A lot of people think that Economies start with Job Creators, but that is actually the 2nd layer of the Economy. The first layer is the Banks and Mints, which issue Silver and Gold "Coins", as well as the other money we use.

Every group can have its own economy. Every Political Club, Every Atheist Club, Every Church, Every Internet Show, Every Gun Club, Every School etc.

It is illegal to mint your own Currency in most places, but it is not illegal to create your own Cryptocoin, and if you know a little about coding it is easy to make your own coin. Satoshi is the creator of Bitcoin and he already did the hard part, to create your own currency all you have to do is copy his work, change some numbers so your coin makes more or less or infinite, then set the value for how fast mining happens, then you post it on Github and share the links for download.

If anyone is good with Computers, here is how to make your own Cryptocurrency. Your own Bitcoin, you get to name it whatever you want to. There should be coins for schools, companies, groups, etc. Everyone make a coin. And if anyone can find a way to clone Devcoin, there should be more coins that people can earn by writing, or video making, or posting on forums or something.





From tomorrow, the best of British bull will be back in the world market. Twelve weeks after the European Union's blanket ban on the export of British beef and beef products, "bovine genetic produce" is to benefit from the first softening of the EU line. This milestone in Mr Major's beef war seems a fitting moment to examine a substance often overlooked. Here, then are the facts.
1. Bull semen has one use: the insemination of cows. As a dealer remarked: "If you can think of anything else to do with it, let me know." In this country about 75 per cent of all dairy cattle breeding is by artificial insemination: dairy cows must calve once a year if they are to keep up their milk output, so they are routinely impregnated by artificial means. It is quicker, simpler and more efficient than the natural way (and less dangerous, since dairy bulls are ferocious beasts). A measure of how efficient: in one American herd of 2,000 cows, every animal was inseminated up to three times over a period of nine weeks, and no fewer than 98 per cent became pregnant. All this was done by one expert, with the help of six cowboys. The breeding of beef cattle in Britain is still mainly by natural insemination, although that is changing.

2. Semen is sold through advertisements in the farming press and by travelling sales reps. (One of their chat-up lines: "Some men can't give their semen away; people pay me for mine.") It is kept in "straws", or plastic phials, containing a tiny quantity of semen diluted in albumen, or egg-white. The straws, frozen in liquid nitrogen, are stored in warehouses around the country. A single 0.25cc straw can cost anything from pounds 12 to pounds 120 and a farmer with an average herd of 72 cows will probably buy 180 straws a year.

3. As with some spirits, price depends on the "proof" of the product, though in this case proof means the proven ability of the bull to sire cows with high milk yields. For example, semen from a bull whose daughters produce 1,000 kilos of milk per year above average might sell for pounds 15. The bulls carrying the highest proof are as famous in the international dairy community as film stars. There are just a few dozen of them, but they have big families. "Black Star", from Washington state in the US, has daughters producing milk in 50 countries. A Dutch bull called "Sunny Boy" has 500,000 daughters in 22 countries.

4. Besides proof, another influence on semen price is availability. Bulls, which have three-foot penises, vary widely in the frequency with which they produce and in the quantity of semen that results. A single ejaculation can yield as many as 500 straws, or as few as 50. An industrious bull may perform every day; a lazy one only once a week. Thanks to the laws of supply and demand, a lazy bull with a low output but a very high proof will command the top prices. His semen is like gold dust.

5. You may be wondering how it is collected. Methods vary. Some bulls mount frames covered in cowskin and ejaculate into rubber tubes with bottles on the end. Some mount other males, known as "teasers", only to be interrupted at the crucial moment (which arrives quickly and is over even more quickly) by a man with a rubber tube. Other bulls mount and inseminate females in the natural way, and the semen is then extracted from the cow. When necessary, the bull can be excited artificially, with the help of an aerosol spray which reproduces the smell of a cow on heat.

6. The British market in bull semen is thought to be worth about pounds 50m a year, and is growing. In terms of international trade, although much fuss has been made lately about Britain's right to export semen wherever it wants, this country is overwhelmingly a net importer. In 1995, exports were worth just short of pounds 1m while imports, mainly from the US, Canada and the Netherlands, totalled pounds 15.5m.

7. Behind this trading weakness lies a tale of strategic miscalculation some would see as typical. Britain was a world leader as recently as the 1960s, but then things went downhill. While American and continental European dairy farmers increasingly moved towards specialised high-yield milk herds, British farmers were encouraged to compromise milk output by breeding dairy cows which could also produce strong beef calves. British herds were thus "dual-purpose". In the past 10 years, however, Britain has abandoned that strategy and switched wholeheartedly to the American- European way. It is still struggling to catch up.

8. Most of those black-and-white cows munching grass out in the fields are, we fondly assume, traditional, familiar Fresians. We assume incorrectly. Thanks to the recent change of policy, Fresians are being replaced all over the country, with astonishing speed, by Holsteins, a breed that originally came from Denmark but which has been refined to a high pitch of productivity by American farmers. This transformation has been made possible by imported bull semen, so in a great many cases those cows have American or Dutch fathers or grandfathers.

9. By a fine irony, another reason that Britain fell behind in the introduction of Holsteins - and thus in the international semen trade - was that in the 1980s the Ministry of Agriculture was extremely pernickety about the risk of diseases such as foot-and-mouth coming in with American semen. At a time when our European partners, unworried, were blithely importing US semen, Britain's veterinary experts banned it - a perfect reversal of today's BSE positions.

10. Now the Holstein herd is growing, a big effort is under way to produce high-proof bulls, establish an efficient domestic trade and turn Britain into a net exporter. The drive has been championed by the Duke of Westminster, one of the country's biggest dairy farmers. The BSE crisis has not only affected foreign sales, but this whole effort, because farmers have been reluctant to buy semen for cows which might have to be slaughtered. The lifting of the export ban, alas, will have only a small effect on this.
Sasha Shulgin invented over 200 different Medical Drugs that allowed us to learn all the things about Serotonin, and 5-HTP receptors that we know today, and a large portion of what he did was add "Methyl" groups to natural compounds. To methylate something, you put it in Methanol and when it attaches it adds a Methyl group.
Below is a representation where I tried to draw what a Glycine molecule might look like after it was Methylated. Methylation is just like making an Ester, but you specifically use Methanol as your Alcohol for the Ester. Methylation is another option that can be done to TONS of things, which will allow new smells to be made on and on, pretty much forever.
Acetic Acid can also be added to pretty much anything to create its Acetate form, I have not drawn any of those yet either. And Ethanol is also another specific Alcohol that makes Esters that have not been drawn here yet.
Adding an Acetoxy group is something else Sasha Shulgin did to Natural compounds. I do not understand it completely yet, but it seems as if you Oxidize something (Like how rust is made) this can be done with Hydrogen Peroxide and other Oxygen rich molecules. Then make the Acetal form after that.

Here are DMT and 5-MeO-DMT, they are probably the most well known example of a natural compound and its Methylated form. But both of them are natural compounds.,N-Dimethyltryptamine
4-AcO-DMT is the Acetoxy form of DMT.
Methanol has 1 Carbon, so it adds the "Methyl" group, but regular drinking Alcohol is known as "Ethanol" and it has 2 Carbons. So if you attach a drinking Alcohol molecule to something, it becomes its "Ethyl" form. Ethyl means it has 2 carbons.
Propane has 3 Carbons, and this makes the "Propyl" group, for example Isopropyl Alcohol/Rubbing Alcohol.
Monopeptide: When 1 Amino Acid makes a Peptide with another of itself.

Dipeptides: Peptides are made when 2 different Amino Acids are bonded together by releasing H2O.

Tripeptide: 3 Amino Acids bonded together.

Tetrapeptide: 4 Amino Acids bonded together.

This goes up pretty much to infinity. And all of these can have Esters made of them. So, new smells could keep being made forever.

Indoles are in TONS of natural smells, for example "Skatole" is the smell in poop, and it is an Indole. There are also good smelling indoles
an example is Indole itself. Also, DMT, Tryptophan, Serotonin and all
those things are indoles. Most Synthetic Cannabinoids are also Indoles.

There are tons of Indoles in nature that have a variety of smells and
structures, and there are a ton of Indoles cataloged in Ocean dwelling
species, I have a whole book about "Marine Natural Products" and it has SO many.
These will open up a whole other few doors of possibilities.

"Opiod Peptides": when most people think of Opiates, they think of Heroine and Morphine and Oxycontin and Vicodin, but that is not a good representation of Opiates over all. For example, Pepperment contains Menthol, and Menthol is a Kappa Opiod Receptor Agonist, meaning, it attaches to your Opiate receptors. So if you know what the flavor "Peppermint" is, you have done an Opiate.

And as mentioned before, Spinach and Milk both contain Opiod peptides. Opiod Peptides can also be found in the brain and spine of cows, as well as the milk of cows and humans. Examples are Rubiscolin, Casein and Casomorphin. Just like Cannabinoids, Opiate Peptides can have Amino Acids added to them, or be made into their Ester forms.

Here are some plants that contain Opiates that are not illegal.

Red Clover
Ugni Molinae
Casearia Sylvestris
Pachyptera Hymenaea
Prickly Poppy
Adrenorphin (Cow Brain)
Deltorphin (Waxy Leaf Frog)
Dermorphin (Waxy Leaf Frog)
Chaste Tree
Black Kohosh
Laurelia Novae-Zelandiae
Salvia Leriifolia
Salvia Divinorum (Illegal in some places, also very active on other receptors)
Tabernaemontana Pachysiphon
Irvingia Gabonesis
Dalea Purpurea
Nigella Sativa Seed
Sophora Subprostata
Picralima Nitida
Chocolate (Reports say that Chocolate makes other Opiods stronger)
Yellow Horned Poppy
Crydalis Yanhusuo
Spinorphin (Cow Spine)
D-Phenylalanine (Enkephalinas Inhibitor)
Oriental Poppy
Marijuana (CBD is an Opiod)
Here is how the smell making works. Mainly so far I have been drawing New Esters. Esters are usually only made when someone has a medication or something and they can't get it to dissolve in something else. For example, THC does not dissolve in water, but if you make the THC-O-Phosphate Ester it becomes water Soluble.

That is the normal application for Esters, but usually Esters are also known to create a smell.

An example of an Ester that is used commonly in smells is Isoamyl Acetate". This combination is made with Isoamyl Alcohol (which makes some truffles have their smell) and Acetic Acid (which is in Vinegar). But when you mix them together to form Isoamyl Acetate, it smells Pear-ish or Banana-ish.

So these 100 or 200+ Molecules that have been made have the possibility of smelling like anything, and like things that don't exist.

Ok, so, I was trying to find a way to may Esters out of things like Damascone or Ionone, or other things like that. I have made a few smells using the Alcohol called "Phenethyl Alcohol" and that can be found in Rose oil. But I wanted to use the MAIN ingredients of these things. Damascone is the main ingredient in Rose perfume, and Ionone is the main ingredient in violet perfume. These are known as Ketones.

Then there are things like Cinnamon and Vanilla, which contain mostly Cinnamaldehyde and Vanillin, which are Aldehyde structures.

And I was not sure how to make Esters with these. But then I found "Acetals" and an Acetal is basically Ketone or Aldehyde Esters. There are 2 ways to do this, first is to have an Aldehyde or a Ketone in a Beaker or something, then adding drops of some kind of Alcohol to it, until the alcohol stops reacting when it goes in. Another way is to mix these 2 things together in equal molecular parts, then adding an acid until the acid stops reacting.

These are basically Ketone Esters, but they are called Acetals.
Esters & Peptide Bonds
A Peptide bond is when you take 2 or more Amino Acids and put them together, then Apply heat. An example is Picamilon, where you use GABA and Niacin, those 2 Amino Acids together in water, then boiled, will create Picamilon. If you take normal GABA most of it breaks down in your stomach and doesn't ever make it to your brain. Picamilon allows the GABA molecule to be protected in the stomach and make it all the way to the brain. This allows is to be MUCH more effective than regular GABA, and the Niacin goes in to the brain to promote blood flow and helps with Migranes.

So that is a peptide bond, it is simply made by boiling 2 amino acids together, and it changes the ability of the different Amino Acids that it started with. The Ester mentioned before, 2-AG, is also formed
by boiling, but instead of 2 Amino Acids, you boil an Alcohol structure with a Carboxylic Acid structure. Knowing how to make both
Esters and Peptide bonds, that gives us something else. We could do something like boil GABA and Niacin together, then boil the resulting Picamilon in Glycerine. This would create a Picamilon Ester.
Hydrogen Bonds

I just want to say something that might help people understand this better. And I will help people understand even more when I get into the bonds. But if you want to understand Chemistry at its most BASIC, here is a good thought exercise.

First, accept that Chemical reactions are all just Magnets figuring out what they are attracted to. Chemistry is ALL ABOUT magnets, everything is polar or non-polar, acid or base, etc. and these things are basically all just magnetic responses that chemicals have to each other.

Now, understanding that it is all about Magnets, let's make it more clear with an example. Water. H2O. If you were to take 1 Hydrogen from H2O, suddenly it would be Hydroxide which is pretty much the STRONGEST most reactive base known to man. If you add a Hydroxide material (ex: Calcium Hydroxide) to water, the Hydrogen in the water becomes charged with a negative polarity and can be used to do things like extractions or pickling. Acids are the opposite of that. their Hydrogen is positively charged and is waiting connect to some other molecule. Acids usually have lots of Oxygen ready to attach magnetically to Hydrogen, Hydroxide or Hydrocarbons. If you add an acid to water, it charges the hydrogen in the water with a positive charge, and this can be used for extractions or as cleaning agents.

And when an acid and a base come together, they form a salt. Salts are usually neutral. And water is kind of like a salt, since it is Hydrogen and Oxygen in a higher concentration that in OH (Hydroxide). It is "acidic" hydrogen mixed with "basic" oxygen. It is not actually a salt, but noticing what it is made of can help you understand the magnet concept.

Ok, so as I mentioned before, THC can be treated with Acetic Acid in order to make THC-O-Acetate which is a little stronger by weight than THC itself. This can be done with other things as well. Most people have heard of Heroine and Morphine. Heroine is the Acetate form of Morphine, some people even make it by using vinegar which is about 5% acetic acid.

If you have heard of Choline, it improves brain function and promotes the creation of "AcetylCholine" in the brain, which is the specific thing that regulates dreaming. I am not positive, but I am pretty sure that AcetylCholine is the Acetic Acid treated form of Choline.

I am pretty sure that this process can be done with other things as well, like Catnip extract or possibly things like Kava which has similar effects to Marijuana.

Now, let's look at a THC Molecule.…

On it are a bunch of Hydrocarbons, a Hydroxide and 2 Hydrogens. Meaning, any Oxygen, Fluorine or Nitrogen could alter it pretty completely. So I wonder if anyone has ever tried pickling their THC (adding Calcium Hydroxide aka Edible Lime to it). Or has anyone ever let Marijuana sit in a Hydrogen Peroxide solution, with maybe an Amino Acid? This could Change it completely also. Or letting it sit in some kind of Nitrogen solution. Morpholine is a Nitrogen and Oxygen, when someone adds morpholine to THC we are going to see some cool new medical applications, maybe.

Also, since Marijuana obviously forms Isomers with Acids (Sulfuric acid and Acetic acid), it might be worth testing other acids. I am pretty sure no one has ever treated THC with Tartaric acid, which is used in some medical applications. And I am almost positive it has never been treated with Malic acid, which is used in some foods and beverages, as well as occurring naturally.

THC could have all kinds of different forms that no one has even tried yet. And I am pretty sure no one has made any kind of 5-MeO-THC or anything like that yet.