How to determine whether a plant is auto-flower or not


Well-Known Member
i took a cutting off a flowering plant... but i was away from this plant for a vey long time and do not know how it grew during the early life... im trying to reveg this cutting but my question is how can i tell if its just going to autoflower or if its actually starting to veg ?||

ps, the smell is strong


Well-Known Member
Autoflowering plants can't be cloned, so if your cutting survives, its for sure not an autoflower. If you're trying to root something that is already well into bud development, its near impossible.


Active Member
Not true. Well, the part about cloning autos is, it cant be done. But I just successfully rooted a cutting from a super skunk #1 in her eighth week of flower. Just clip it and put it in a cup of water in the window sill and you will start to see roots in 4 or 5 days at most. That is exactly how I did it. I just wanted to see if it would work LOL