How to Do the Switch ? Help a Stoned Guy


Got a king's kush grow growing in a DWC in 3.75 netcups, today's the great day i bought myself the biggest table i could afford( flooding ).I would like to get your opinions on how would you do the switch(repot) so i could continue my grow on the flood table.

the flood table is the size of my tent, and i want BADLY to use it

i smoked joints too early today and im having weirds ideas...any ideas guys ? im stoned and about to fuck shit up please help :cry:


Well-Known Member
are the netpots flowing with roots yet? how long have they been vegging/flowering in the dwc setup now? your best bet is going to be to fill your tray as much as possible with hydroton and bury the netpots as deep as possible in the hydroton to ensure roots dont dry out or air prune to much. i used to do this all the time (veg in dwc then flood and drain in flower).


Well-Known Member
next go around you may want to invest in some pots like these much easier to use in flood tables and much much less hydroton than filling a table also cleaner.



Well-Known Member
the hydroton in the tray will keep the roots coming from the dwc pots plenty hydrated between waterings so you shouldnt need any rw in the tray, but if you want to continue to veg in dwc i would just use the hydroton in the flood tray. what i do now is just veg in the rw cubes (4x4x4) in a separate tray then transplant to the pots in the pic for flower.