How to filtrate out CBD while preserving the rest of the extract?


New Member
Newbie here.
If I am violating any forum rule, please feel free to correct me.
I made some search in this forum, unsuccessfully, but I may have missed some important threads.

Cannabis extract is obviously costly. From the full spectrum distillate or crude, is it possible to separate CBD from the rest of the extract, without compromising either one? I want to have both a CBD concentrate as well as a CBD-poor (THC-rich) full spectrum extract as end products.

Many thanks in reading this post and I warmly welcome any educative message.
Newbie here.
If I am violating any forum rule, please feel free to correct me.
I made some search in this forum, unsuccessfully, but I may have missed some important threads.

Cannabis extract is obviously costly. From the full spectrum distillate or crude, is it possible to separate CBD from the rest of the extract, without compromising either one? I want to have both a CBD concentrate as well as a CBD-poor (THC-rich) full spectrum extract as end products.

Many thanks in reading this post and I warmly welcome any educative message.

I suggest that you consider extracting two different strains. Hemp is rich in CBD and there are a panoply of recreational strains that are CBD poor and THC rich.
I suggest that you consider extracting two different strains. Hemp is rich in CBD and there are a panoply of recreational strains that are CBD poor and THC rich.
Where I live, THC is unfortunately legal only to a low limit. One cannot buy high THC strains/flowers/oils.

I was wondering if there is any reliable process to separate {CBD+CBDA} from the rest. I can get low THC extracts carried in ethanol (before evaporation and mixing with vegetable oil). Maybe with flash chromatography? Is it worth the cost?
If I am following you, you would like to purchase low THC, High CBD concentrate and remove the CBD, leaving the THC, which you could concentrate by removing alcohol and then dissolving in oil for consumption.

The answer is not simply, but I will leave it to the chemist on the forum to field the question chapter and verse.

What I would most likely do is simply is use high CBD concentrate from hemp as a base, and isomerize it into THC for my high THC applications.

Thank you.
One question (actually two):h ow safe is the procedure, and how safe is the end product? Are there people having done that properly?
The procedure is easy but uses strong acid, which requires safety equipment and protocol. A high school lab student should be able to do it easily.

The end product is as safe as cannabis concentrate and there are any number of people doing so.