How to fix a drowned plant help!!


Hey guys wondering wot the best thing to do with a couple of plants i drowned? Should i move them into 24h darkness untill the recover?(they are in flower anytways just a coupla days in) or should i just be tryn to dry them out under light still with the normal 12/12? some of the stronger branches r still nice and firm but the weak ones have gone bendy n assuming they r to far gone n should prob snip to support the stron instead? Cheers guys

john pickle

Active Member
Leave them where they are, and as they are. Dont remove any limbs unless they look dead, if they are green, keep your hands off. Leave the lights alone.

By ''drowned'' i assume you mean overwatered... if so its not a big deal, quit smothering your plants with stupid.


some limbs r completly droopy leaves have crisped so def be removn leaves cheers for help but smotherin wit stupid cough (wanker), was just a question bro afterall this is a problems section

john pickle

Active Member
if the leaves are green leave them be... once it recovers from your stupid shower they will still be useful to the plant


Active Member
john why you gatta be a dick about just because he made a mistake that we have all made, keep it classy dude dont be rude.