How to grow mushrooms,the easy way.


Well-Known Member
Hey everybody,
growing shrooms is allot easier then you think and doesn't take that long.
The average grow will take about a month.
If u can grow marijuana,u can grow shrooms just fine.
Most people think it would be too difficult and discard the idea.

Reliable sites:
Mushroom Spores by The Hawks Eye Psilocybin Mushroom Spores Shrooms Magic Mushrooms God Within
Magic Online Mushrooms shop - Mushroom Cultivation for every..

Here are some video instructed guides on how to start growing without kits.
(It's very hard to get grow kits in America so your best bet is to get the spore prints or spore syringe's and get the materials at walmart or target).

Watch the PF tek part 1-2-3-4 videos first.
YouTube - Broadcast Yourself.

Here's another step by step guide:

YouTube - PF-Tek Part 1
YouTube - PF-Tek Part 2
YouTube - PF-Tek Part 3
YouTube - PF-Tek Part 4

Hope this helps!
Here are some strain recommendations(All cubensis are extremely easy to grow):
-psilocybe cubensis equidorian:this one's a mind fucker.
-Golden teacher:Hard on the stomache but an intense trip nevertheless.
-Tassies:This one will knock you on your ass!
-Mazatapec:less potent then the tassies but has a better vibe.

Once it is fruiting,get a simple household lamp and put a timer on it.
12/12hrs. on and off.
Keep the light 6 feet or so away from the fruiting box.
Mushrooms don't need light the same way plants do.

Drill allot of holes in it as you don't want allot of CO2 in the box.
Mushrooms take in O2 and breathe out CO2 in contrast to plants.

vermicullite,water,brown rice flour,trashbag,jars,and a see through tupperware is all you really need!
And the spores ofcourse.

Good luck everyone!
Get growing!


Well-Known Member
nice post. +rep
ive been wanting to do this for a while now.
still need to pick up a pressure cooker
You don't need one. I have done it without. Just steam the jars for about 40-60 minutes, works great. And yes, i agree, growing mushrooms is a lot easier than i thought.

Peace out x
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Well-Known Member
You don't really need a pressure cooker,it's just easier.
You can boil them too.Keep the jars at full boil for 90min. them keep them at a non-boil for good measure another 10min.and let it sit overnight.(10pm.-9am. works best).Add water when necessary during boil.You dont want it boiling dry.
I use the 35$ pressure cooker from target and it works just fine.
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Well-Known Member
so would the jars be completly submerged in the boiling water?
No, the way i did it was put a few jam jar lids on the bottom of the pot, place your jars in and pour enough water in so it isn't touching the bottom of the jars and boil away. You will probably need to top up the water a number of times burning this process.

Peace out x


Well-Known Member
In the first set of videos i posted,they use just a regular pot with boiling water.
Might want to give that a look.


Well-Known Member
so how do you suggust getting the spores?

cash card+safe adress = shroom spores?


Well-Known Member
I would say shroom spores are pretty safe to order by mail and card.
Rarely do shroom growers get convicted with heavy fines.
All u need to say is that you are growing as a hobby and for educational reasons. and had no intention on growing for the hallucinatory substance.
Get a couple of witnesses in there and u got a strong case.
Unlike with weed.


Well-Known Member
"officer, im just growing this marijuana plant as a educational study! i am in nc state you know!"


Active Member
Yea possession of mushrooms in chicago is attempted manslaughter, and I believe that goes for all hallucinogens. A weed plant that is not harvested is a misdemeanor. So I stay away from mushrooms here, but I do wish I could grow them!


Well-Known Member
Yea possession of mushrooms in chicago is attempted manslaughter, and I believe that goes for all hallucinogens. A weed plant that is not harvested is a misdemeanor. So I stay away from mushrooms here, but I do wish I could grow them!

Peace out x


Well-Known Member
[SIZE=-1]Illinois[/SIZE][SIZE=-2]Schedule I[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-2](16) Psilocybin;[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-2](17) Psilocyn;[/SIZE][SIZE=-2]is guilty of a Class 1 felony[/SIZE]

[SIZE=-2]is guilty of a Class 4 felony. The fine for a violation punishable under this subsection (c) shall not be more than $15,000.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=-2]200 grams or more of any substance containing any substance classified as a narcotic drug in Schedule I or II which is not otherwise included in this subsection.[/SIZE] [SIZE=-2]an amount of a controlled or counterfeit substance not set forth in subsection (a)[/SIZE]



New Member
pressure cookers are unnecessary, just get some metal rings, and put them on the bottom for your pot, and then add some tin foil, put the jars in the pot and fill half way with water cover the pot with a lid, and let the steam cook, and clean the jars, after boiling for an hour and a half remove from the heat and let them cool, once cool clean hands and put the clean jars in there clean homes. add spores shake and wait, you just started growing shrooms. Your growing medium can be straw, BRF mixes, and manure. The easiest is just adding 1/4 cup brown rice and 1/3 cup water to each jar, then just boil them like described above. The rice cake can be eaten afterwards, it will provide a trip for 2-4 people. I know a lot about shrooms. I can answer any questions you may have.


New Member
It's only illegal if you get caught, there is a simple way to not get caught... Just don't run your mouth. I mean if no one knows a cop isn't just going to kick in your door and be like "AH HA! I suspected you were growing mushrooms. AH HA!" lol!