how to harvest my plants?


hello, it is that time and i just want to get a refresher on how to dry and cure my bud? when i was a kid we didnt even call it that so i feel a little like a newbie with some knowledge lol a NSK, anyway just if someone could give me a run down on what the best way to do this is , your advice will be well appreciated. also can i just cut off the top half and leave the lower smaller buds to keep growing? will they get bigger?or should i do it all at the same time and just have some extra popcorn bud? thanks-sandee:clap::clap::clap:


Well-Known Member
hello, it is that time and i just want to get a refresher on how to dry and cure my bud? when i was a kid we didnt even call it that so i feel a little like a newbie with some knowledge lol a NSK, anyway just if someone could give me a run down on what the best way to do this is , your advice will be well appreciated. also can i just cut off the top half and leave the lower smaller buds to keep growing? will they get bigger?or should i do it all at the same time and just have some extra popcorn bud? thanks-sandee:clap::clap::clap:
hey sandee congrats on your harvest!

you can cut the top half off and let the rest carry on if you wish, but i'l run you by on what i do..

slam the whole plant down, cut every branch into single branches, having a good surface i.e newspaper trim with scissors all the leaves around the buds keeping all the sugar coated leaves for hash making or eddibles. after this long process hang each of your buds up somewhere dark with room temperature to dry for 4-7 days. All the small buds (popcorn) can be spread out in a draw or something keeping in darkness.

not much else to it really you can either smoke as soon as its all dry or you can cure in air tight masonary jars.
