How to help you get answers for the newbie section of RIU


Active Member
firstly chers for the like its onyl small but its a pice of mind that my posts do help.

this may have been suggested sorry if it has.

but a stickie showing newbies how to guive us all the info we could need to better help them on there posts. like grow setup info. I say this because it will save members re asking the same questions over an over. Dont get me wrong i dont mind asking over an over to an extent. but in time it soon becomes daughting because well you can help someone if you cant get a mental picture of what there loooking at as best as you can.

so if the stckies suggested the main stuff on it for newbies to answer would be

Groom mesurements. (if asking about setup stuff!)
pictures (so many answers can be found in pics)
the basic stuff for the setup.

this is a rough idea of a few questions which newbies might like to add to there help uestions to help us all better help them with there help needs. Sadly i cant think up a catch sticky title name but something with read this before you post your questions as it will help.

I dont know if this ideas been though up an stickied that i can see already. but its just something i though up while reading the newbie form today, and if it will benifit all growers who are keen on helping new faces them its better than nothing.


Well-Known Member
I agree with sunni.

The vast majority of people want instant gratification, and the path of least resistance is to just ask a question that's been asked a thousand times.

More guides would just be a waste of time and effort imho. It's easier for the more experienced members to guide new members immediately to the existing resources (even to external sites if necessary).


Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
The search function on this site is not so great. Wish it was better. I find things on RIU easier on google. Go figure.


Active Member
i dont mind repeating the same stuff to newbies a couple of hundred times, as it shows them the caring side of the fourm an thats described perfectly on Spek9s post 2 up from this one.

but if they searched for the asnwers before hand then they would realise stressing over stuff an waiting for the answers. when there on here will save them hours of waiting for answers.

As for the search features. well fourms have alot fo stuff to keep them running smoothly. so give it time as future upgrades usually are on the cards, it just takes time to get around to all the stuff admin have planned for RIU. Ive been able to find most of what im after using search. The key to searching is using the right Keywords. it can be confusing since it shows up all posts with the words you search for. but you can semi modify your searches to posts or threads, an even specific users before it runs the search.

Overal Atleast there is a working search option. otherwise that would make things alot more harder. but its there and can be used if needed. Also as everyone knows, alot of us found RIU via google since that is a real search engine. which is different from a serch engine inside a fourm.