How to insert bare-rooted clones into a medium!!


Active Member
Hi all, does anyone know the best way to insert bare rooted clones into a medium to go into a dome.

After using the EZ Cloner, I really didnt expect to have them root so fast, so I need to put them in rockwool or something, how do you do that with the bare roots?

5 Days in the ez cloner, there are 1/4 inch roots all over the stem?

thanks for any help..


Active Member
Depends on what media you are going into. Perlite as in Hempy buckets you dig a little hole, hold clone in hole and dribble perlite under and around the roots filling and lightly packing it down. Soil is easy, basically the same way.


Active Member
Depends on what media you are going into. Perlite as in Hempy buckets you dig a little hole, hold clone in hole and dribble perlite under and around the roots filling and lightly packing it down. Soil is easy, basically the same way.

Thanks but not what I meant, if you were to produce clones in the EZ Cloner, how would you sell them, in what medium and how?


Well-Known Member
Hi all, does anyone know the best way to insert bare rooted clones into a medium to go into a dome.​

After using the EZ Cloner, I really didnt expect to have them root so fast, so I need to put them in rockwool or something, how do you do that with the bare roots?​

5 Days in the ez cloner, there are 1/4 inch roots all over the stem?​

thanks for any help..​
you could take your rockwool cubics and cut them open. Then you place your clone at the desired position and close. Being very careful not to disturb the roots place a rubberband around the cube and soak in water. I personally add a drop of superthrive to the water that I dip my rockwool in and mist them with it also. Hope this helps.bongsmilie

rural hick

Well-Known Member
i have cloned a couple of known females.
i 45 degree cut twice; once off the plant and another 45 just before dipping into rooting compound, along with 1/2 strip of cuticle on one side. three drops of superthrive, in water. cloning in water for now and when roots are 1/4" -1/2" they'll go into a seed starter mix.

check out my cloning holds 4.
no-one has to be as shot-to- the-curb as i.
your mileage may vary.