How to judge a presidential candidate.


Well-Known Member
We can't agree with anyone all the time. And we can't disagree with anyone on everything. But we can agree with some people more than others. But the simple fact that our government has separation of powers with checks and balances almost ensures that no matter who gets elected president there is only so much they can do. For instance, no amount of democratic-socialism is going to end capitalism in America. No amount of conservativnes is going to overturn abortion. Social Security and Medicare are here to stay and I'll wager Obamacare is too.

That said, I dont think ideology should be the primary factor in what we seek in a president. It's important, but even the candidate I disagree with most, I'm probably still in 50% agreement with. And the one I agree with most I probably get no more than 80%.

This being the case, I think the primary factor in deciding a presidet, or any other office for that matter, should be their motives, their character (not values, idgaf who they're sticking their dick in) and their desire to do good for the people and not themselves or their powerful friends.

I'm going to evaluate the candidates on this list for that and rank them and see where you agree and disagree with me.

1) First place in this ranking would have to be Bernie Sanders. I have no doubt in my mind that Sanders is running to improve the lives of the American people, his motives are sound. He doesn't make backroom pledges to benefit Wall Street billionaires that may or may not burden everyone else, while being paid 600k just to speak to them.
With respect to his character, I think he has his beliefs, and many of them aren't mine, but I think he is sincear. I believe he feels that what he wants to do is in the best interest of America, and i dont think he would say something for money or hold an opinion just to get elected.

No one fits my criteria better than Bernie. And yes I voted for him in my states primary.

2) Donald Trump. Donald doesn't have to be running. You could even say it's against his interest to do so. He has as much or more power as a billionaire than he would as President in many ways. Sure he can't launch cruise missiles, but as a billionaire he could get away with murder and couldn't do that as President. He is self funding and therefore isn't beholden to anyone. Therefore I think his motives are, if not 100%, at least overwhelmingly in the right place.

I can see how his opinions and statements can turn someone off, and some do for me too, and that's why I rank him below Bernie. I can see how some Americans wouldn't think Trump cared for them. But I think the man genuinely wants to try to improve this country and the lives of everyone in it. Like Sanders, we can debate on if his policies would work or not, but I think these two men are in it for the right reasons.
Trumps character takes a little hit with me because he is willing to tell little white lies to appeal to his base, holding himself out as a Christian. In a way you can't blame him because many Republicans won't consider you If you're not. But I don't think he is willing to sell us out or put the needs of a few above what he thinks is the best thing to do. Trump is the least experienced in government but I think he is smart enough to realize he doesn't know a lot and will try to surround himself with smart people to be experts and give him advice.

3) Cruz. Well, what can I say. I think he is willing to be deceptive with the facts to make his point. He has taken too much money from wealthy people to not be overly influenced by them. But more than most in congress he has actually done what he would say he woukd do once elected. I think he may bend to the rich financiers of his campaign on some things. But I get the feeling there would be a line somewhere with him. He has principals, and he isn't willing to violate them... too badly, in other words. Cruz has some credibility because he has shown to have some principals and seems to be motivated by a lot of genuine interest in fixing problems.

4) Hillary Clinton. She possesses none of these things. To borrow a line from game of thrones, she would burn this country to the ground if she could be president of the ashes.

Takes $600k speaking fees from wall street, totally in their pocket. Wants to be president for the power and the ability to abuse it. Her motivation is to glorify herself. Her character is nonexistent. She will lead by following.

Hillary Clinton is the only one running who cant be president.
We can't agree with anyone all the time. And we can't disagree with anyone on everything. But we can agree with some people more than others. But the simple fact that our government has separation of powers with checks and balances almost ensures that no matter who gets elected president there is only so much they can do. For instance, no amount of democratic-socialism is going to end capitalism in America. No amount of conservativnes is going to overturn abortion. Social Security and Medicare are here to stay and I'll wager Obamacare is too.

That said, I dont think ideology should be the primary factor in what we seek in a president. It's important, but even the candidate I disagree with most, I'm probably still in 50% agreement with. And the one I agree with most I probably get no more than 80%.

This being the case, I think the primary factor in deciding a presidet, or any other office for that matter, should be their motives, their character (not values, idgaf who they're sticking their dick in) and their desire to do good for the people and not themselves or their powerful friends.

I'm going to evaluate the candidates on this list for that and rank them and see where you agree and disagree with me.

1) First place in this ranking would have to be Bernie Sanders. I have no doubt in my mind that Sanders is running to improve the lives of the American people, his motives are sound. He doesn't make backroom pledges to benefit Wall Street billionaires that may or may not burden everyone else, while being paid 600k just to speak to them.
With respect to his character, I think he has his beliefs, and many of them aren't mine, but I think he is sincear. I believe he feels that what he wants to do is in the best interest of America, and i dont think he would say something for money or hold an opinion just to get elected.

No one fits my criteria better than Bernie. And yes I voted for him in my states primary.

2) Donald Trump. Donald doesn't have to be running. You could even say it's against his interest to do so. He has as much or more power as a billionaire than he would as President in many ways. Sure he can't launch cruise missiles, but as a billionaire he could get away with murder and couldn't do that as President. He is self funding and therefore isn't beholden to anyone. Therefore I think his motives are, if not 100%, at least overwhelmingly in the right place.

I can see how his opinions and statements can turn someone off, and some do for me too, and that's why I rank him below Bernie. I can see how some Americans wouldn't think Trump cared for them. But I think the man genuinely wants to try to improve this country and the lives of everyone in it. Like Sanders, we can debate on if his policies would work or not, but I think these two men are in it for the right reasons.
Trumps character takes a little hit with me because he is willing to tell little white lies to appeal to his base, holding himself out as a Christian. In a way you can't blame him because many Republicans won't consider you If you're not. But I don't think he is willing to sell us out or put the needs of a few above what he thinks is the best thing to do. Trump is the least experienced in government but I think he is smart enough to realize he doesn't know a lot and will try to surround himself with smart people to be experts and give him advice.

3) Cruz. Well, what can I say. I think he is willing to be deceptive with the facts to make his point. He has taken too much money from wealthy people to not be overly influenced by them. But more than most in congress he has actually done what he would say he woukd do once elected. I think he may bend to the rich financiers of his campaign on some things. But I get the feeling there would be a line somewhere with him. He has principals, and he isn't willing to violate them... too badly, in other words. Cruz has some credibility because he has shown to have some principals and seems to be motivated by a lot of genuine interest in fixing problems.

4) Hillary Clinton. She possesses none of these things. To borrow a line from game of thrones, she would burn this country to the ground if she could be president of the ashes.

Takes $600k speaking fees from wall street, totally in their pocket. Wants to be president for the power and the ability to abuse it. Her motivation is to glorify herself. Her character is nonexistent. She will lead by following.

Hillary Clinton is the only one running who cant be president.
If we are to judge Presidential candidates honestly, ALL OF THEM are involved in perpetuating a contradiction.

It is impossible to use a coercion based system, to protect people from coercion. It is possible to begin the process of eliminating governments systemic coercion, if a persons goal as President is to eliminate the coercion from within, but that doesn't fit ANY of the current candidates or past Presidents etc. .

Can a person delegate a right they do not possess?
Open mindedness

Sanders is clearly the best candidate and only candidate that checks all 4 boxes.
Open mindedness

Sanders is clearly the best candidate and only candidate that checks all 4 boxes.

He voted with Hillary over 90% of the time.

I could go on and disprove everyone of the rest of your declarations, but I'll restrain myself.
Which candidate has more boxes checked than Bernie. Just give me the name.

None of the candidates could realistically check any of the boxes. You are indulging in a false choice, where ALL of the choices of the individual candidates involved are people who can't possible be telling the truth.

Also, the political process itself springs from a contradictory lie.

Often here, I engage people who by "choosing the least evil master" believe they are somehow controlling their destiny. That's false though. The list of real choices if they are to exist MUST include no masters at all.

Open mindedness

Sanders is clearly the best candidate and only candidate that checks all 4 boxes.
That's basically the point I was trying to get across. I think Trump comes close. Much closer than the other two.

If it were filling in the square instead of making a check marck in it, Sanders completely fills in those boxes. Trump has some rough edged and doubts about completely filling in the boxes. But he can't be stupid. He can't be closed minded. He isnt anywhere near as dishonest as the other two, and he has at least some integrity.

I think that was my point with all this.

Sanders clearly number 1, Trump clearly a distant second.
That's basically the point I was trying to get across. I think Trump comes close. Much closer than the other two.

If it were filling in the square instead of making a check marck in it, Sanders completely fills in those boxes. Trump has some rough edged and doubts about completely filling in the boxes. But he can't be stupid. He can't be closed minded. He isnt anywhere near as dishonest as the other two, and he has at least some integrity.

I think that was my point with all this.

Sanders clearly number 1, Trump clearly a distant second.

bignbushy, you have had much different things to say about judging a candidate before.



you're just a fetid accumulation of horse feces, bignbushy.
bignbushy, you have had much different things to say about judging a candidate before.



you're just a fetid accumulation of horse feces, bignbushy.

Often horse shit isn't fetid. It's kind of a grassy chestnutty smell and dries fairly quick.

Now, smelly shit? Well, this one time, I went to Wendy's and it smelled awful in the mensroom.

Like somebody had chomped a couple of horsemeat burgers and just let it fly ALL OVER THE FLOOR.
Often horse shit isn't fetid. It's kind of a grassy chestnutty smell and dries fairly quick.

Now, smelly shit? Well, this one time, I went to Wendy's and it smelled awful in the mensroom.

Like somebody had chomped a couple of horsemeat burgers and just let it fly ALL OVER THE FLOOR.

i like how your objection to that wasn't the blatant racism of the OP, but rather your ongoing obsession with feces.
i like how your objection to that wasn't the blatant racism of the OP, but rather your ongoing obsession with feces.

Actually the objection was your claim horse shit was fetid.

You see, carnivores and omnivores usually have smellier shit than herbivores. Just saying, Poopy Pants.
Actually the objection was your claim horse shit was fetid.

You see, carnivores and omnivores usually have smellier shit than herbivores. Just saying, Poopy Pants.

again, you obsess over feces. you ignore the blatant racism.

what happened to you?