How to keep weed plants hidden in open fields?

This summer I'm growing og kush, ak 47, and purple haze in an open field. I was roaming through trails in the woods and came across a field. Its not near ponds just a good amount of trees, but the plants will be able to get 8 hours of direct sunlight. I will have near 30 plants growing spread around field, do you thinks helicopters will spot my plants. This is only factor I have to worry about, and need suggestions on how to hide the plants from helicopters. Should I plant corn throughout the field to throw off the infrared or is there better methods?

Keep toking


Active Member
wide open is wide open keep em low to the ground whats that in the dr greenthumb song a sizzilene screen? "now i dont got to point my shotgun at those pesky porkers no more thanks dr green"


Well-Known Member
This summer I'm growing og kush, ak 47, and purple haze in an open field. I was roaming through trails in the woods and came across a field. Its not near ponds just a good amount of trees, but the plants will be able to get 8 hours of direct sunlight. I will have near 30 plants growing spread around field, do you thinks helicopters will spot my plants. This is only factor I have to worry about, and need suggestions on how to hide the plants from helicopters. Should I plant corn throughout the field to throw off the infrared or is there better methods?

Keep toking
If helicopters are your main concern, you are casing the wrong potential grow sites to begin with.


Active Member
If youre worried about helicopter find a spot under some power lines, near a conservation area, something like that. but in the end when you grow guerilla you role the dice.


Well-Known Member
If youre worried about helicopter find a spot under some power lines, near a conservation area, something like that. but in the end when you grow guerilla you role the dice.
Avoid power lines like the plague. I lost 2 plants last Summer after storms hit the area. Utility crews restoring services found them.


Active Member
I can't just scatter around 10 plants around, and plant corn through to confuse copters. Or should I find a new spot
Are you really considering finding a new spot on the strenght of advice you find in this forum? If I advise you to find a new spot, will you do it?
The spot I have is great, good amount of sunlight, and I don't see many helicopters in my area. So it will be fine 10 plants in the field. If everything works out I'll post a thread and some pics.


Well-Known Member
helicopters dont even come close to finding even a small percentage of what is actually out there. They can search all summer and fall, and find hundreds, and thousands of plants, but as soon as harvest season comes, every man, dog and turtle has at least a pound of weed lol. If your concerned about copters, plant individually, dig a hole for each plant, the further apart the better. police have even admitted that a lot of marijuana confiscated wasn't originally spotted from the air but actually from tips from concerned civilians. In my opinion, if your guerilla growing, have multiple plots, because its a big gamble, and if you lose one two, maybe even half of your plants, you will still end up with something.

Green Dave

Well-Known Member
chances are the same if you find a "new" spot that the choppers will find it
Plant in both spots so if one is found you have the other if they find both your SOL