How to "Lollypop" your plants.

This is a young White Rhino plant that is 2 weeks into Bloom and shes had a little bit of a harsh upbringing. Shes gotten a touch unruly and its time i stepped in with some advanced trimming techniques.

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So now Im going to show you how to trim up this plant and see if I cant give it a bit of a nudge. Shes quite tall so im planning on transplanting her into the ground.

*Grab a set of sharp scissors and a shovel

*Get snippin

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Now for step 2.

Gently rub unsalted butter all over the exposed stalk, preferably in the dark.

Step 3. - Dig a hole 1 meter deep in the ground and transplant.

Now all thats left is to throw the trim in the compost
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Well-Known Member
I'm a tad confused, are you putting her outside to finish flower or are you going to reveg it outside? Lollipopping is just removing the smaller lower growth, not desecrating 80% of your plant!


Well-Known Member
You really think treating your plant like that will boost your yield ?? I thought you lolly popped to get a good SOG canopy not for something your going to put outside..You said you were putting them in the ground so i assume you mean outside. Everybody has their own technique though and i hope it works for ya.
Peace LM


Active Member
I hit the subscribe button before anyone even replied...I knew something wasn't right when I read butter and the pic of the "trim to go to compost" lol