how to maintain humidity

smokey grower

Active Member
hey was wondering if any of you experienced growers out there know how 2 maintain humidity?
ive been using a few big tubs of water. works well. down side is a have 2 take em out then put them back when humidity drops. i need a steady humidity level.
cheap ish method would be nice aswell lol.


Active Member
There are a few ways to maintain humidity...

I Do what you do, Use the water.

Fish tanks are good to hold in humidity


Well-Known Member
Misting your plants helps a little and perhaps a small open cup of water under the lights will evaporate into the air over time for more humidity. Can anyone verify this as being valid or a good idea?

smokey grower

Active Member
i know how 2 change humidity. tubs of water etc. i need 2 know how 2 keep it at 50 %. any1 know a cheap method thats works real well??


Well-Known Member
ERM. Get a meter and open up your exhaust until it keeps steady where you want it. Or build your habits around watching the humidity gague.


Well-Known Member
any one hear of an evaperative cooler or swamp cooler.'

walmarthas little ones called humidifiers


Well-Known Member
Yeah you could try sticking a tobacco humidifier disk or two in there and kinda feel it out over the course of a light period. Id think once the lights are off for the night you should take them out though.


Well-Known Member
if you get even a semi-decent humidifier it will have a humidistat in it. that means it will turn itself off once the room gets to the level you want it at(40-50%)


Well-Known Member
my idea was like $1.00 per humidifier disk ... I dont know if something that small scale will work though.


Well-Known Member
make your own humidifier.

take a tub/large pot/whatever

fill it with water, perhaps a drop or two of bleach

place a cotton fabric(t-shirt/towel) in the tub and then hang it up with some of it still touching the water in the tub

put a fan either blowing at or along the surface of the t-shirt.

Mr. Green Thumb

Well-Known Member
or you can just go to wally world and get a cheap vicks vaporizer . . it only costed like 10 and im using it and my humidity is at a steady 55%