How to make a DIY smoke buddy


New Member
Hey, so I've been smoking for a few years now, and ive always wanted to find a way to make a smoke buddy (unlike the dryer sheet and toilet paper roll smoke buddy, that smells like weed and dryer sheets.) And I have finally found a way to make one that actually works quite decently, and smells great. So here what you'll need:

1: an empty spice bottle (with the kind of lid that has a bunch of holes)

2:essential oil

3: some sort of cloth that can soak up the essential oil

4: 1 dryer sheet (optional)

5: some sort of knife and/or lighter

Okay so once you get all of the above needed items, what you're gonna wanna do is:

Step 1: clean out the empty spice bottle

Step 2: grab your lighter, and heat up the knife, (or you could just cut it without heating it up but I found it easier to heat it up first) then cut a small hole, about the size of a nickle on the bottle of the bottle

Step 3: cut up your cloth into a few peices, then soak it in the essential oil, and put the cloth in the spice bottle.

Step 4 (optional, although perfered): get a dryer sheet and put it over the nickle sized hole then tape it in place. This keeps the essential oil from getting into your mouth.

Step 5: put the hole-shaker part back on (of you had took it off)

And thats it. You then blow into the dryer sheet covered hole, and the smoke will smell like whatever the essential oil smells like. :) ( the finished product should be attached)View attachment 3745179 View attachment 3745181


Well-Known Member
Those who live with the or parents are the most worried. Move out and no more worries. I'd rather smell weed than a cats litter box, smell dogs, stinky kids, and people's body odor any day
The smell of freshly cut plant or opening the jars smelling the cure process grinding up fresh herb I'm getting an erection thinking about it

Tim Fox

Well-Known Member
yup, carbon filter and inline fan,, plug in the fan so it pushes thru the filter,, and just blow into the fan,, perfect,, no smell,


Well-Known Member
Or just be like I live here to mom!
It's my basement mom!
I'm 46 years old mom!
You're the reason Julie left me mom!
