I've herd that you can make weed stem tea but not sure exactly on how to so if any one has tryed or knows on how to actually make a stem tea that works can you tell me how to do it properly
1. grind up your stems
2. put a pot on with about 2 cups of water and get it to a rolling boil
3. put your ground up stems in and turn the heat to LOW, put a cover on it- we'll check up in 5 minutes.
4. after your 5 has gone by, i suggest throwing a tea bag of your favourite tea.. i just used cammomile, but green tea, white tea, really any tea works (its for the flavour). so once you put your tea in, turn the stove OFF and cover your pot, let it steep for 5 minutes.
5. using a tea strainer, or coffee filter pour your tea into a pot.
I think the tea will be stronger with fat to bond to... try some whole milk or something. I think if you don't use anything with fat it won't be strong