How to Make Dmt?


Well-Known Member
how do you guys do it? with crockpot? some1 who can explain the process and has done it several times with great results, please step forth!


Active Member
i posted a link to a tek in anouther dmt thread in this should be a couple threads down if you look for it...if you want pm me and I'll send you the info..fairly simple from what I've read and not too dangerous if your careful


Active Member
from what I've read up on this tek is the easiest and quickest one to follow Lazyman's tek - DMT-Nexus Wiki
make sure to read through it all..
also if desired you can thro all precipitated crystals back into the mixture for the final pull and do a sodium carbonate wash to ensure all the lye is removed but this isn't necessary and this part I would do some extra research on as well...I've never done it just been doing some research recently.


Well-Known Member

If I can add to the directions, I learned this weekend through trial and error, that it is better not to use too much bark / volume of water.
This causes the mixture to be very thick and holds on to the solvent, makeing it harder for the layers to seperate and often leads to lye lock (an emulsion layer). I would estimate about 10g bark for every 100ml of water, maybe even a little less.


Active Member
from what i was reading a sprinkle of table salt can prevent the emulsion layer...i've been wanting to experiment for a few weeks now but not cash to do so...howd it come out. I saw the tek u were using when I was doing research but It looked like the one I had posted above seemed to be a little simpler and take less time...did you do a sodium carbonate wash at the end or did u find it unnecessary?


Well-Known Member
Well honestly the tek I posted is as easy as I'd like to go...
Naphta STB is not the best tek for extracting, but it works well enough for MHRB.
Of course you can get much bigger yields going the xylene/FASA route, but you end up with fumaric salts which then first need to be converted to freebase, if you'd like to smoke it. (which realy is also very easy).

I find washing just takes too much out of the yields, although you certainly can try to recrystalise your DMT a few times to "clean it up", I find leaving it some roome to breathe for a few days gets rid of as much crap as I find the need to. With the right smokeing technique there is nearly no taste to the smoke.