How to make easy rosin


Well-Known Member
I know you can extract rosin with the nugsmasher or people use a hair straightener to use like smasher,but is there other ways or options to extract with at home items. I got the RSO down wanted to try making this other one with heat and pressure. Thanks
You can buy a heat press, they can get pricey. Hopefully others will chime in with reasonable prices/brands or other options.
I like mine
You can get an entry level DabPress for $220 CAD.

Wooden cutting board, parchment paper, Iron (steam off)
how does one build a press?
It's pretty straight forward. Buy a press. Buy a pid controller and plates. Assemble. Voila.
Presses can be found at your local hardware store. Home depot, Canadian Tire, princess auto etc.
Pid and plates I went with dabpress. If you wait, you can get them on sale. Just have to watch for it.
I have a thread somewhere about my build.
There's some other people's diy builds on there too so you can get a few diff ideas.