How to make hash?


Active Member
well there are many different ways to make hash. You can use keif, or do an ice water method.

Search Making Hash on Youtube :mrgreen:


Active Member
i can't get the u tube method to work for me. the crystals won't bond bonds together but as soon as you touch it, it falls apart

i've failed three times already

but the dust still smokes good although i want to try it the right way so any suggestions


Active Member
getta silk screen and run clippings that have been in tha freezer.
small amounts atta time, don't press to hard.
put glass or other smooth surface under screen box.
once all through ( couple times)
run all the resin glands thru a tea strainer.
once its golden brown in color. Pure.
Pack it into a cellophane wrapper.
Tightly fold as many times as possible.
get newsprint paper, fold tightly. (2 sheets)
soak it. Turn oven to 175 dagrees, bake for ten minutes and wal-la!