How to make seedling stems stronger?


New Member
Hello All,
So i have a couple of questions for all of you experienced or even not so experienced growers.
Little bit of background for my sake : So i have a small little grow room going on, not big at all, big enough for two plants. So, that is what i have growing. I have two plants growing. I have the plants growing in a couple 1.5 gallon pots, and they are about 4 inches away from about 150 watts of CFL's (possible a little more lighting, i am not sure). I have a 12" fan in there blowing on the lights and the plants at all times, even when the lights are off. Its a three speed fan and i have it on the middle speed. They are about 9 days old and are growing fairly well i think.
Now, to my question. The plants are growing up nicely, but my only concern about them is there stems. The stems just look kinda small and skinny? I dont think they are stretching too bad. I have looked up a lot of other growers seedlings at this stage and the height of mine look on par. I want the stems to be strong enough so i can start LST'ing with them. I also just want to have strong healthy plants. Is there any suggestions of what i have going on to help the health of my plants (fan speed, when the fan is on, etc.). I know i have read about some people propping up the plants and what not to help the stay strait and healthy, but i have also read that is bad for the plants because they learn to depend on the support and no longer create a strong stem.

Lots of information here, but i would love to hear all of your responses. Thanks all!!
When I start seedlings off I only use an 85w blue cfl and even I find that I have to keep a bit away at the start off their lives say 8" or so and then i'll bring it closer as they get bigger to the point they're nearly touching. Getting a little breeze on the plant so it dances a little is supposed to strengthen the stem up. A proper watering schedule keeps it nice and strong as well as too much water can soften the stem and make it softer and weaker. Keeping the plants in good overall health is the key really like temps and stuff even rh will play a part to play. Have you got any pics dude?
You got a wall of text I don't really wanna read... To answer the title...

To make stems stronger get a light breeze on them
You got a wall of text I don't really wanna read... To answer the title...

To make stems stronger get a light breeze on them
yup and I place a 23W BLUE CFL pretty darn close DSCN0483.jpg I posted this pic elsewhere but it shows what a seedling growing its 2nd set of true leafs should look like; short strong & stout