How to produce a male plant

Grow some regular seeds as mentioned above or you can root a clone off a female that you really like and flip it to flower and reverse it with STS solution causing it to produce female pollen then use that to pollinate flowers and create feminized seeds. Plenty of reads on that if you search.
Like renfo mention.. You can take a femal clone and use colloidal silver. Turn that female into a male. It it was a really good genetic then the female inly pollen will have goid genetic trait to pass on. Yiu can use that pollen to cross with other strain.. And you want have any males... Read on strain that have tendencies to hermis and try to avoid these strain. As the can pass the hermi trait into the genetic pool and mess with your seeds
Read this guide on making STS

Then go back to page one and read the whole thread because everyone should.