How to set up an ebb and flow system

Heya guys I'm pretty new here and I have had some experience with dirt and overall I've been really disappointed with it as a grow medium I was hoping that someone would be able to help direct me as how to best set up a ebb and flow system on the cheap. Obviously I don't want to buy a system, but in that same vein I know almost nothing about hydroponics. I've tried reading some over the other threads and I haven't been able to find what I was looking for. I hope I'm not just re-posting and if I am I would be incredibly appreciative for a link to the right thread

TLDR: I want to switch over to an ebb and flow system but I want to build it myself and I would like it to be able to grow at least 20 plants.


Well-Known Member
You didn't really search did you? All i did was type in diy ebb and flow and got heaps of results..

Build Your Own Hydroponics System
Ebb & Flow, Top Feed Drip

DIY Ebb and Flow $50! Instructions step by step (No Hydro Shop Required!) -

Build hydroponics ebb and flow super easy -


Well-Known Member
my way is cheapest. make a couple of boxes out of any type of wood, could also use pieces of wood or whatever you can nail or screw inot a shape of box. size of box depends on size of light/grow. make another box for a control res. get a geomembrane sheet. thats black nylon you buy from greenhouse supply shops, intended to make outdoor ponds. shape it inside the boxes, screw it to the walls with cable cover fittings wood piece or watever. make a drainhole and overflow hole. there ya go! you got a res and a tote to grow with for so very cheap!