How to slow dry when it's too hot???

So I chopped down my skywalker clone, hung it up in my closet, and in about 24 hours the stems were bending with a slight crack but still had a little moisture.

the buds however were super dry. I ended up jarring them to regain moisture but i was wondering if there was things i could do to slow dry in hot temps?

Im in SoCal and we've been having a stupid heatwave, 90+ everyday for the last 2 weeks, in my room it feels like 95 which the only place I can dry.
Air conditioning is out of the question, and all I have is a ceiling fan.

I pulled a branch on the 17th, dried in a day and i jarred it. it regain a little moisture i popped the top off for like an hour and kept doin that till i just left it in the jar. I smoked some of it today and it tastes like leaf. :(

I dont want my others to come out like that.


Dalek Supreme

Well-Known Member
I am wondering if your closet is away from your grow?You can hang a damp towel or 2 for a compromise in the heat.Virginia tobacco growers have curing silos where they open and close flue's to regulate the heat and moisture.
Hope someone chimes in with experience.I wonder if an earlier jar,then a cure were you just pop open the jar,wave back and forth 1-2 x's,jostle gently,smell for mold,do not breath in jar,then close jar,put jar back in a place with no light/heat,and do this every day for 4 weeks would help?


Well-Known Member
sounds liek you got them into the jar right in time for cure... you should have popped it once a day not over and over again.. the "hay" smell is from not curing it al the way through.. it will stop smelling liek that after awhile.. as long as you cure it right
there is a thread here where they wait to trim until after it has been hung dry. says the fan leafs help keep the drying process longer. not for heat issues tho, just personal preference, but it might help


Well-Known Member
So I chopped down my skywalker clone, hung it up in my closet, and in about 24 hours the stems were bending with a slight crack but still had a little moisture.

the buds however were super dry. I ended up jarring them to regain moisture but i was wondering if there was things i could do to slow dry in hot temps?

Im in SoCal and we've been having a stupid heatwave, 90+ everyday for the last 2 weeks, in my room it feels like 95 which the only place I can dry.
Air conditioning is out of the question, and all I have is a ceiling fan.

I pulled a branch on the 17th, dried in a day and i jarred it. it regain a little moisture i popped the top off for like an hour and kept doin that till i just left it in the jar. I smoked some of it today and it tastes like leaf. :(

I dont want my others to come out like that.

Ice tray in front of a fan will give you a little temp drop, and also add a little humidity to the air.
I am wondering if your closet is away from your grow?You can hang a damp towel or 2 for a compromise in the heat.Virginia tobacco growers have curing silos where they open and close flue's to regulate the heat and moisture.
Yes its an outdoor grow and my grow house and regular home are two different places. I read about the damp towels might help so I might try that.

sounds liek you got them into the jar right in time for cure... you should have popped it once a day not over and over again.. the "hay" smell is from not curing it al the way through.. it will stop smelling liek that after awhile.. as long as you cure it right
Yea that was for that sample branch, since I cut jarred the majority of the plant Ive been burping the jars like 2-3 times a day for about 5-10 minutes.

there is a thread here where they wait to trim until after it has been hung dry. says the fan leafs help keep the drying process longer. not for heat issues tho, just personal preference, but it might help
Yea I read about that as well, the thing is I did that with another plant I had that I pulled, and it dried out about the same time. But it was really a hassle dealing with crumbling leaves......

Ice tray in front of a fan will give you a little temp drop, and also add a little humidity to the air.
Now this is kind of what I was thinking of doing, except with dry ice instead of regular ice, cuz I mean my room is literally like 90 something degress I need it at least 15 degress cooler.


Well-Known Member
Yes its an outdoor grow and my grow house and regular home are two different places. I read about the damp towels might help so I might try that.

Yea that was for that sample branch, since I cut jarred the majority of the plant Ive been burping the jars like 2-3 times a day for about 5-10 minutes.

Yea I read about that as well, the thing is I did that with another plant I had that I pulled, and it dried out about the same time. But it was really a hassle dealing with crumbling leaves......

Now this is kind of what I was thinking of doing, except with dry ice instead of regular ice, cuz I mean my room is literally like 90 something degress I need it at least 15 degress cooler.
dry ice will cool better (I think, I'm not sure the physics on that one) but I don't think it will give you the humidity that regular ice evapoating/melting will, may want to google that one :)


Well-Known Member
jus dont trim it mon and the bigger the chops the longer the dry.......if you got small plants chop at stem and hang whole thang or if its beast take big whole branches and it shd dry a lil slower mon.


Well-Known Member
If you have a window AC unit and $60-80 you should really invest in making yourself a drying room. You get a humidifier at Wal Mart for $30, you get that white insulation stuff that almost looks like styrofoam. You take some duct tape and pretty much tape together a freestanding box out of these insulation sheets, kind of like legos. You put your humidifier in there, get some ducting and connect it from your AC to your drying room and hang up some string and you're all set!

I also had to learn this the hard way due to SoCal weather. All these guides say to simply hang your stuff up but no one considers that these people are writing these articles from different locations. I'm not sure what states you could just put plants in the closet without a problem but unfortunately SoCal isn't one of them. The temps HAVE to be between 75-78 if I recall (70-80 has been fine for me) and you combine that with 45-50% RH with the humidifier.

Unfortunately even if you put the cannabis in a jar right now it might not improve too much because it dried too fast. The reason you dry the plant slowly and evenly is so that the chlorophyll can evenly remove itself from the buds, but when the temps get too high or there's no humidity then the end result is an uneven dry in which chlorophyll is still left in the buds. This is where the hay smell comes from. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, but if you have any other plants you should look into making yourself a drying room. It's cheap enough, especially when you consider the difference it makes!
--Can't dry in bathroom, we only have one in a household of 7 people.

--Can't get an AC cuz of the electricity bill :(

Last time the summer wasn't AS bad but temps this year in August have been in low - mid 90's....EVERY DAMN DAY! -_- I was able to dry last year without any problems because it wasnt as hot.

So my only solution now is to try the dry ice thing, or like someone suggested....dry and cure at another spot.
I've got about 4 weeks to figure it out but thanks everyone for ur input! :D


Active Member
As 420 said, you can get a couple of extra days by less or no trimming when drying. I've had no issues even with 3-4 day dries, if they get jarred with enough moisture for curing. Also you can trim more off if it's drying to slow. I normally screw up here and trim to much, but they come out good regardless.


Well-Known Member
I've dried in high temps in my basement the last few summers.. where temps reach 90's. Even worse they aren't in the open, i have them tied to strings.. that are tied across inside boxes. There is a fan blowing and it works for me...

Never had bud mold ever.