How To Stop My Calcium Deficiency?


Active Member
Hi I am growing in coco + perlite mix and got calcium magnesium nitrate powder from my hydro shop that I was told to mix with the coco and perlite but after a while that will flush away with feedings ect..

I am starting to see very very small rust spots on one or two leaves could be Calcium deficiency starting.

So I wanted to know will it be good to mix 1 tsp of the calcium magnesium nitrate powder with 3 gallons of water and just foliar feed my plant once a week give her a good spray down to prevent any deficiencies or should I rather mix in with the nutes? Any feedback is much appreciated.
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Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
Just starting to look at switching do drain to waste coco and it is my understandin if growing in coco the coco specific nutes have more calcium. I use an epsom foiler for mag but not sure about calcium


Well-Known Member
Hi I am growing in coco + perlite mix and got calcium magnesium nitrate powder from my hydro shop that I was told to mix with the coco and perlite but after a while that will flush away with feedings ect..

I am starting to see very very small rust spots on one or two leaves could be Calcium deficiency starting.

So I wanted to know will it be good to mix 1 tsp of the calcium magnesium nitrate powder with 3 gallons of water and just foliar feed my plant once a week give her a good spray down to prevent any deficiencies or should I rather mix in with the nutes? Any feedback is much appreciated.
If you have a calcium deficiency, calcium nitrate will cure it quickly. Calcium nitrate mixed with magnesium nitrate will work assuming you don't already have too much magnesium. (Mg and Ca antagonize each other)

Consider that there may be other problems as well. What is your feeding ppm? Is the pH right? Do you have a water softener? (this one will cause sodium to antagonize)


Well-Known Member
What are you running for nutes? I assume you're not running Cal/Mag in your mix. Are you using RO water or tap? If tap, what's your PPM out of the faucet?

I had to double my Cal/Mag when I ran RO water. I also found that some strains are Cal/Mag whores! Any of the woody Kush strains need almost twice the Cal/Mag to be happy.