HOW TO UPLOAD BIG PICS FOR FREEEEEEEEE (no more tiny photos of your big plants)


Well-Known Member
why would you want to do that ,shit i am on dialup and yes i cant get anything else out here.
you upload pictures like that and even if i can help i cant be bothered waiting twenty minets for them to load so i just hit the back button


Well-Known Member
Yeah this seems a little spammy to me. Plus, there are plenty of image hosting sites that you don't have to register at.


Well-Known Member
OR! you could host it here for free.

I assume he's trying to provide an alternative to attaching it directly to RIU. So you can post a picture, then a description, then another picture.. etc., instead of just 5 little thumbnails at the bottom of your post.

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
Thats exactly what I thought. Click on "My Rollitup" on the left hand column (second box down) click on "Pictures & Albums" then click, "Add Album." Give your Album a name and "Submit" then you just click on "click here to upload pictures" hey presto, youre off and running. there is a file size limit but Rollitup will automatically resize your pics. To post the pics on here, go to the pic you want in your album, click on it and you will see a URL and a BB code. Copy the URL & then you can add them to your thread like this. For a big picture, click on the little box among the editing tools that has a mountain in it and paste your URL.

Or scroll down to "attach files" and click on "manage attachments" then you can either upload directly from your PC or, again, you can Paste your URL. hey presto, youve done the lot without leaving Rollitup and it's all free too.

Barking Mad

Well-Known Member
I assume he's trying to provide an alternative to attaching it directly to RIU. So you can post a picture, then a description, then another picture.. etc., instead of just 5 little thumbnails at the bottom of your post.
Surely it would be better to use photobucket, flickr or imageshack with are just a few of the many free image hosting sites. Photobucket is the one I prefer because you can edit your images make videos etc, they all have similar tools, some better than others though. each to thier own I guess.


Well-Known Member best pic hosting sight i've used. Plus why would you want to make pics bigger than 600px wide anyway. It's big enough to see any detail you want to show & it doesn't require people with a 800 x 600 screen to scroll to the side(people hate that shit).


Barking Mad

Well-Known Member best pic hosting sight i've used. Plus why would you want to make pics bigger than 600px wide anyway. It's big enough to see any detail you want to show & it doesn't require people with a 800 x 600 screen to scroll to the side(people hate that shit).

I second that, photobucket is the best Ive used too, but for posting on here I just use Rollitups photo-album, saves me running too many tabs, quick and easy too.
Each to their own.
At least this thread shows people they have different options, that's what the threads are for after all, isn't it?


Well-Known Member
dude, tinypic hates my computer, idk what it is, but some of my friends use it, and all I ever see is the tinypic logo. photobucket and putfile rock though.