How to use a light meter Help anyone?


Hey everyone, i just bought a Sun System light meter that goes up to 40,000 lux. I would like to see the difference between supposedly slightly used bulbs i bought recently, and some new one that i have. Could anyone help me figure out how to use this thing. Do i need to take in account the size of the room? I would like to know the lumens in a certain area, but am confused how to convert lux to lumens. I am awful at math so if someone could break it down that would be awesome!



Well-Known Member
this is simple

where the buds are is the lvl u want the light meter......... this is the point in the tent that they are (use a table or something same height)

now place the meter on the table and turn on the light look at the meter ........u move the light closer it gets brighter

now when u have a lvl u like ..........replace the bulb leave everything the same turn it on and u have u different readings to see what the output is (just controll where the light lvl was taken from and the height of the light ) .......u do not need anything else

as for over all amount of light ............i know for a 100% fact with a 600w hps with in 4 inches of the light will cuase the flower to bleach (your talking near 100k lumens )


Well-Known Member
the rest of it is math

if u want the lumens then
the guy above .........he posted the right thing

enter the reading on the meter
then go to the 3rd line and enter in the LxW of the area .......mine is a 4x4x6 tent so it is 4x4 so 16 then click the button


Active Member
No worries guys. Glad I could help. I'm a math nerd/Mechanical Engineer with a passion for gardening.