How to use Boveda Packs


Well-Known Member
I just harvested a little over 3 ounces dry from an auto-flower. I over dried my buds a little when I hung the branches because I live in an arid climate, and they are in jars curing now. The smell is changing from grassy to unique strain smell over about 2 weeks.

I just ordered bovada packs sized for 1 ounce...62% humidity I think. Do I wait until I'm done curing to use them? If I put them in now, do I still burp the jar every day? If I burp the jar will my boveda packs dry out. Am I supposed to put the pack in the jar and seal it permanently?

I really don't know. This is my 1st grow I've actually tried to cure and there is a learning curve.

high acutance

Well-Known Member
You need a few hygrometers so you can tell the RH (relative humidity) in the jar. Too high,(over 64%) you need to burp or spread out to dry a little. Too dry, (under 58%) and some green bud leaves left in the jar will raise the RH. Unfortunately, if you let it get too dry, (under 50%) the curing process stops, and won't come back when you add moisture. Boveda was originally designed to keep cigars at a certain moisture level. My experience has been that they're not very good at moistening when too dry, and even less effective drying what's too moist. And once the plant is stable at 63% for the long cure, you don't need them, because the humidity doesn't change inside a sealed jar.
In an arid climate, leave the fan leaves on the plant, maybe even hang the whole plant. With more stems and leaves, the plant has more moisture and the dry is slower. As soon as all the leaves are crisp but the bud is still springy when you squeeze it, jar it and watch the RH every few hours for the first days. I would rather have buds that are a little on the moist side and take a lot of burping or drying in a paper bag than ones that get crispy hanging for a week. I can see an experienced grower doing a lot by feel, but as a beginner you need the certainty of accurate measurement. Those in-the-jar hygrometers are on Amazon and cheap.


Well-Known Member

you are correct, there is a learning curve: this thread will help you climb it.


Well-Known Member
I refuse to use bovedas but that's just me because I prefer a challenge. It may be too late for you to use your bovedas now so maybe save for next time. If hygro meter reads < 55% in jar after 24 hours closed I think your curing cant be revived so don't wast bovedas on them. If 55 or higher ok put your bovedas in now and close for 2 mos or whatever. If not, just keep burping for very short time lengths like 5 mins, so % doesnt lower for a few more months. That's just in case it may still help smell a little. On the last good cure I did, after 3 mos burping I left the jars open to get flower down to stable at 50-55%. Did a test smoke and it seemed to burn real well that way. I don't smoke it much but this was just my impression. MMV


Well-Known Member
Once you get the basic cure down, then you can play with cob curing, refrigerator curing, and water curing woo hoo, the fun never ends!