How to use supersoil when going 12/12 from seed?


So I have succsesfully grown outdoors using supersoil in a 10 gal container, bottom layer supersoil and top layer Roots. Transplanted into that after 3 weeks in just Roots.

Ok so my question is this time I am starting 5 Querkle seeds inside a grow tent, the light at its highest is 4 feet from the floor. This leaves me growing 2 foot tall plants max, no exceptions. To not risk outgrowing my space I think I am going to go 12/12 from seed or at least within a few days. So doing it this way should I start the plants in 1 gal containers of roots, then transplant to 7 gals with 50% supersoil, or would that be too much? If transferring to a 7 gal can normally take a plant vegged a month through flowering, I am worried I will be using too much supersoil since I am flowering from seed.

Has anyone used supersoil and done this method? I googled alot and can't find any answers so I have come to the masters.


I am under a 400w that is why I am allowing a foot from light just to be safe. Only reason I was thinking 7 gal is because I heard it'w what you need minimum when using supersoil. I'f I am going 12/12 from seed what size and how much supersoil would you use?


Active Member
Personally, if I was growing out five plants under a 400w I would use 3 or 5 gallon smarties. With the smaller container you may need to feed the plants more than straight water as they mature but other than that you should be fine. There is a guy on her that pputs his clones in 1 gallon smarties with super soil and runs them 12/12 right away SOG style.


Ok I have some 3 and 5 gal smart pots laying around...would you start the seed in a cup still or just plant straight in to the 5 gals? I will be feeding with molasses the whole flower cycle basically and can make some teas near the end if needed, but I can always just top feed more SS right? Will the plant taste bad if the nutes don't taper off and the leaves yellow before harvest?


Well-Known Member
Go with 5 gals man, and group them as tight as the saucers will let you, straight under that light. Id personal use rooters to germ them, then straight into 5 gal smarties. Yes you could top dress, but i dont think you'd need to in 5 gals, that why id use them instead of 3's. And no the plant wont taste bad with super soil. Just may not be as sweet as if they faded out. Hard to say going 12/12 from seed though, how much you'll need. Your kind of going into uncharted territory. Id watch though.


Well-Known Member
look at my grow in my signature, 12/12 from seed as well, I have been experimenting with it the last little while and my recommendation would be to use 7gallons smart pot and transplant as soon as you can straight into the 7 gallons. the root structure will be beautiful by the time they start budding and will be able to use all that food. My supersoil might not be as strong as Subs but this time arouind I am trying with more than half the container with SS. And my tga Agent Orange is in a 10 gallons. the bigger the better especially 12/12 from seed it makes all the diffenrence you dont want the plant to be root bounded at any time in the first 30 days thats for sure


Wow you have been much help, so I will be doing 5 gal containers bottom half supersoil and the rest Roots. I may even germ the free Reserva Privada OG kush and emerald Triangle Bubba they sent me. If plants grow like poles like I am expecting I should be able to pull it off.


Well-Known Member
maybe bottom 1/3? Just so they have a little time before they hit the hot super soil? Just an idea. may not be necessary.


Ok, welll now enduroxx is saying 7 gal...hmmm I am sure either would work. One question, when flowering from seed will it take longer than the usual flower time of 55-60 days?


Well-Known Member
yes, because they will still go through a kind of "Veg", just because they will be too young to flower in the beginning. You'll know when they're done by the color of tric's


Well-Known Member
The day I see the sex is day 1 from the breeders recommendation flowering time. Some will come out quicker... It will take between 20ish day to 45ish day to show sex from the day you put the seeds in water. You can look at the led partycup competition in the led section. Its 12/12 from seeds, not many contestants are left but it will give you a good idea of what to expect, we all put our beans in the water the same day. (june 27th)


So final question, are you sure the 5 gal will be enough to carry the plant through it's life of 12/12 from seed? Querkle is a heavy feeder apparently. Ok real last question, will using a 5 vs 7 really affect the hieght, wouldn't that just effect width and harvest? Doesn't only time and strain effect the hieght?


Well-Known Member
if you LST you can keep the plant the height you want. hard to tell with the exact subcool\s recipe but for myself 5 gallons is not cutting it. also the bigger the container the bigger the yield, the height is up to you...


Good tip man, just what I needed to know. I could probably fit 9 7 gallon containers in here so six or 7 should be no problem. I will still be keeping them short. I don't plan to LST much because I am actually trying to keep each one within its pot width and mainly grow 1 big cola. I might tie the side branches down a bit to give em light but that's it. Seeds might be coming tomorrow, I'm gonna also plant along with my 5 TGA querkle 1 Reserva Privada OG kush, and 1 Emeral Triangle Bubba 76. I hope they are all generally the same size.

I'm very excited to be doing a 12/12 from seed grow, I really like the idea of it for any small space. The only thing I wonder is since the plant can't flower the first 2-4 weeks anyway why not have it on 18-6 for a week or so, or would that still delay the flowering? I always thought the plant grew tallest most in the dark period. :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
I think you can do that without affecting the time that it will show sex. One of the main advantage of doing a true 12/12 is you can always introduce new plant to your room and you can grow perpetual with only one room. Instead of having a veg room and a flower room. since you are starting from scratch here you could probably do 10-15 days of 18-6 then flip and the end results will be more or less the same I would say.

IMO, the main thing for a successful 12/12 from seed is to have them in their final big container ASAP, they dont have much time to build a good root structure so you really give them the best chance to do so


Oh my god you genius! Why didn't I think of that. Ok it's on. That solves my issues of not having room for another tent. I think I wanna start a journal this time round.


Oh so should I put the sprouted seedling strait into the 7 gals then? The only reason I would use a smaller container first is because I once heard it's better to make a rootball at first for some reason..


Well-Known Member
personally for convenience I start them in 16oz container (thereabout) I actually have a veg cabinet set on 12/12 eheh, I keep a couple small experimental plants flowering in that cabinet and I got lots of room around them to start my seeds, but as soon as I can transplant them I do so (unless I have to wait to harvest to make more room in the room) Most time I transplant them they barely have their true set of leaves.

I only started this 12/12 thing about 6 months ago and I love it because I can smoke so many different strains in a short period of time but I am only giving you recommendation based on my experience, doesnt mean all of it is 100% accurate but yeah from what I am seeing the plant really benefits from not being root bounded when doing 12/12 from seeds.

I have a tent, a room and a cabinet, and everything is on 12/12 hehe. The only reason that I am considering going back to conventional growing in my 4x5 room (would use my cabinet to veg and the room always on 12/12 I guess...) is with 12/12 from seeds I have to grow more plants and therefor more containers which creates too much humidity in my basement (that is because I dont exhaust outside, since I switch to leds I use fresh air from upstair in the house) But I will keep my tent rolling 12/12 from seed for sure.


SO how tall about do yours grow from 12/12? I know it depends on a few factors but I don't want to LST or anything, just grow a few big colas.