How Weed Won the West movie discussion


Active Member
How Weed Won the West DivX used Firefox to watch it, let it buffer for a little while.

Very informative movie. I was fairly up to date with most the Cali laws they discussed as well as some of the raids, from just paying attention to RIU threads and the local NORML email updates. Movie was pretty recent, got me up to speed. The movie made me realize that I wasn’t doing enough. Made me realize that I need to do more in my community to help decriminalize medicinal MJ. This movie will make an advocate out of you.
There's a couple of things about this movie that weird me out big time. One is that Crag X Ruben reverand guy that they give so much attention to. What's that all about??? And the part where Craig X is interviewing that girl in his office/ church/ dispensary and showing her the medicine, and then just jumps on her, starts raping her, and asks her to go home with him. WTF??? why would Kevin Booth put that in his movie? Doesn't he have an editing team? And why did they cover the owner of Vale Tudo dispensary so much also. He's the guy with the pineapple kush, and the surfer looking long hair. He looks like he's tweaking the whole time, and when he is at the Ggecko university, with Brett Bouge, he is like shaking in his chair and looks totally sketchy. Why did Kevin Booth follow that dude around and put those sketched out scenes in there. Did he want to portray medical marijuana patients as tweaked out stoners, or weird rapist ministers of weed?
I don't get it? And he covers the part with the Mexican kids with AK-47's? making us look like mexican gangsters. I don't get it? Couldn't he cover some indoor grows, or show some scenes of not so violent images of weed growers.
I own the movie and have watched it multiple times, and each time I watch it, it makes me madder, and wonder if Kevin Booth had an agenda? there are just sooo many sketched out scenes that if he was trying to be taken seriously then why did he follow the outline he did? He could have focused more on the help it gives to people.
I could go on forever. .....
JUst some of my opinions.


Active Member
Huckleberry, Thanks for you reply. After sleeping on it and reading your post I would have to agree with your points.

Once Craig X jumped on that lady I was kind of relieved that it was all a set up for filming. My mind just filled in the blanks with "OH they're married, thats his wife". Was kinda strange that he portrayed himself as such a goof. Wasn’t so goofy in the surveillance footage, that sucked hate seeing raid bust shit like that.

Did the guy from Vale Tudo have some kind of affliction like Chrons or Parkinson’s? I don’t really remember much about him. Whats up with the soul patch guy? He got allot of camera time in the edit. Musta been the filmmakers friend.

The Outdoor/greenhouse grow with the Ak’s, Mexicans and that Irish guy was kinda weird. Shit just laying around looking like a meth lab.
Yeah there shoulda been more concrete info on the financial impact that the growers and buyers have on the Cali industry. Perhaps your right, maybe the filmmaker did have some strange agenda? IMO they threw this film together really fast. So maybe thats why we were left with many issues about it.

The movie could have been more closely tied to the growers, dispensaries and patients. It fell short in its delivery of real information. That viewers could use in our crusade to legalize it.

However as I mentioned it made me realize that I need to be more active in my own communities effort in getting our medicinal MJ laws in place.


Well-Known Member
There's a couple of things about this movie that weird me out big time. One is that Crag X Ruben reverand guy that they give so much attention to. What's that all about??? And the part where Craig X is interviewing that girl in his office/ church/ dispensary and showing her the medicine, and then just jumps on her, starts raping her, and asks her to go home with him. WTF??? why would Kevin Booth put that in his movie? Doesn't he have an editing team? And why did they cover the owner of Vale Tudo dispensary so much also. He's the guy with the pineapple kush, and the surfer looking long hair. He looks like he's tweaking the whole time, and when he is at the Ggecko university, with Brett Bouge, he is like shaking in his chair and looks totally sketchy. Why did Kevin Booth follow that dude around and put those sketched out scenes in there. Did he want to portray medical marijuana patients as tweaked out stoners, or weird rapist ministers of weed?
I don't get it? And he covers the part with the Mexican kids with AK-47's? making us look like mexican gangsters. I don't get it? Couldn't he cover some indoor grows, or show some scenes of not so violent images of weed growers.
I own the movie and have watched it multiple times, and each time I watch it, it makes me madder, and wonder if Kevin Booth had an agenda? there are just sooo many sketched out scenes that if he was trying to be taken seriously then why did he follow the outline he did? He could have focused more on the help it gives to people.
I could go on forever. .....
JUst some of my opinions.
Totally agree with you - That movie is terrible. It made me mad that I had any sort of expectation for it.

I started a thread after I watched it:

Following the wrestling chick down the stairs shooting up her shirt.

I expected a decent educated film and I got crap.

From my thread:

First let me say that I was introduced to HWWTW because I liked their last project "American Drug War the Last White Hope" so much that while researching the movie I discovered that they were making a potumentary (my favorite movie genre).

If it was anything like American Drug War I knew I would love it. So I anxiously waited about 9 months to see the movie (it got delayed several times). I finally saw it today and not only was it nowhere near the quality of American Drug War - it was so bad that I started to lose interest 1/2 way in. The story was disjointed. Craig X had a weird acted scene. Alex Jones seemed like he was the primary source and had some parts that were downright strange and should have ended up on the cutting room floor (as well as many other parts of the film). The film is a complete mess and at times gratuitous (the up the shirt shot of Shelly Martinez walking down the stairs). There were compelling parts like the Feds "smash and grab" on a collective where they shot their dog and seized everything but never filed charges. The good parts were few and far between. This is the first potumentary that I would advise people NOT to see."


Active Member
Best part was the up the skirt shots. Gonna check your thread about it. +Rep for replies.

uh tryd to +rep ya guys but RIU is taking a big shitty right now. Ill do it l8rs