How would You Control This Indoor Climate Issue?


So I'm currently setting up a 10x10 room with 3 BCNL Producers(click here for more info on Producer cab's). I've already framed up a room inside the room and mylarred up the walls and have waterproofed the floor (perhaps unnecessarily after talking to a BCNL rep). But here's the dilemma...

Originally I was thinking of doing a closed environment room and using CO2, a water cooled A/C and dehumidifier to maintain a proper environment and this is still the plan as of now albeit and expensive one and I'm hoping to be dissuaded from it by someone more experienced than I. Some might say, well, if I'm buying 3 Producers than who cares about spending cash on a water cooled A/C (priced out at $3400 btw here ) right? But the reason I'm getting the Producers is because I really want to try to minimize risk with this being my first one all on my own and everything (well, not entirely on my own thanks to IC!) which is why I splurged on the Producers. Now however, I'm thinking that I could control the temps perhaps just as effectively but for way more inexpensively by having some combination of thermostat controlled window opener (do these exist) and maybe a thermostat controlled space heater or something?

$3300 is a pricey option especially since these are the coolest days of the year approaching (I live in Vancouver) so it would be helpful if someone could point me in the right direction on this for a solution that would at least allow me to grow until the warmer Summer months without having to buy one of these things.

Some additional points to consider:

  • The Producer cab's act as a room inside a room already and 3 of them would total less than 3000W for this 10x10x8 high area
  • There is a window (2 actually) that I could leave open although it may look a little bit weird
  • Because the Producer's act like a room inside a room and the CO2 lines pump directly into each individual cab then I don't think there would be much harm in opening a window in the outside room and losing CO2 density inside the cab's
  • Temps outside this time of year range from 9deg C (48 F) - 3C (38 F) and will get even cooler Dec, Jan, Feb up until Mar. when it will finally start to warm up a bit
  • Temps inside the Producers maintain about 8 degrees hotter than the ambient room temperature because of their intake/ out take fans
Any help from anyone that can think of any alternative solutions to keeping the temps steady in this room are truly appreciated. I really hope this all made sense since once again I',m posting stoned but if not, please ask any questions needed to clarify..... :bigjoint: