How would you recommend a Dispensary source a quality grower?

Good for you Tempe420 do not worry about the haters. I think you at least have enough sense to find out what the actual community thinks and then try to work that into your business model. I commend you on that...and putting up with the drama.

Yes, a lot of hate because of the losing of the right to grow. There is also a lot of hate because a lot of these people thought they were going to take the world by storm growing a plant then that thing called BUSINESS got in the way.

The last four years of brainwashing of the Obummer-Nation telling them they deserve because every one is equal has not made it any better. Life is not fair and we are not all equal that is why we have ditch diggers and doctors. Not that being a ditch digger is bad it is not.

Unfortunatley, business does not have a nutrient schedual to garauntee sucess and make for good pictures. In business you actually have to have a large set of knowledge, money, and a work ethic. That does not come in a bottle and can not just be learned reading a forum. Business is also not measured by little green dots under your name so you can beleive your own posts as authority instead it is measure by green paper.

One other thing.....obviuosly this is not your first rodeo if you have the money for the investment. Either you have been in business before or your investors believe in your ability enough that they saw it as a viable risk.

I know from experience I have heard a million people, mosly employees, tell me how they can do it better. I always think to myself... hmmm they can't even do it at all.... if they could they would show me and not tell me how smart they are.

In the bar business I used to call them bar stool lawyers. It is amazing how many with out a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out can give the best advice ever.
We had a girl there with a clipboard and ended up asking 100 people. The feeling was overwhelmingly yes they were excited Dispensaries are opening.

Obviously a good point was raised above by "Beaverhunter" and that this site is mostly home growers so that makes sense most would prefer no Dispensaries open.

We would love to connect with some of the better home growers in the Metro area and see about giving them some full time work doing what they love. We have so far scheduled meetings with 3 so i'm pretty hopeful that might come to fruition.

I Call shenanigans...

Show some proof... If there were a gal with a clipboard taking notes, please show these notes. I can honestly say you are either making shit up or you were asking the wrong people... 100 folks out of 1000's does not equal up to everyone "excited about dispensaries".

You are losing credit daily my friend....

Good for you Tempe420 do not worry about the haters. I think you at least have enough sense to find out what the actual community thinks and then try to work that into your business model. I commend you on that...and putting up with the drama.

Yes, a lot of hate because of the losing of the right to grow. There is also a lot of hate because a lot of these people thought they were going to take the world by storm growing a plant then that thing called BUSINESS got in the way.

The last four years of brainwashing of the Obummer-Nation telling them they deserve because every one is equal has not made it any better. Life is not fair and we are not all equal that is why we have ditch diggers and doctors. Not that being a ditch digger is bad it is not.

Unfortunatley, business does not have a nutrient schedual to garauntee sucess and make for good pictures. In business you actually have to have a large set of knowledge, money, and a work ethic. That does not come in a bottle and can not just be learned reading a forum. Business is also not measured by little green dots under your name so you can beleive your own posts as authority instead it is measure by green paper.

One other thing.....obviuosly this is not your first rodeo if you have the money for the investment. Either you have been in business before or your investors believe in your ability enough that they saw it as a viable risk.

I know from experience I have heard a million people, mosly employees, tell me how they can do it better. I always think to myself... hmmm they can't even do it at all.... if they could they would show me and not tell me how smart they are.

In the bar business I used to call them bar stool lawyers. It is amazing how many with out a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out can give the best advice ever.

Commerce Clause ... Personal and business production are 2 different beasts..... Personal home growers will have NO effect on interstate commerce hence the reason the Feds will be after the dispensaries and not personal consumption growers. Once dispensaries get shut down (as new ones open up for business) folks will be able to cultivate at home in the end. Regardless my friend the monopoly will cease to exist. The "25 Mile Rule" may always be the written law but I will ensure you patients will be able to reap the same benefits as a patient out side of the "25 Mile Rule".

All controlled substances are classified into five schedules, §812, based on their accepted medical uses, their potential for abuse, and their psychological and physical effects on the body, §§811, 812.Marijuana is classified as a Schedule I substance, §812(c), based on its high potential for abuse, no accepted medical use, and no accepted safety for use in medically supervised treatment, §812(b)(1). This classification renders the manufacture, distribution, or possession of marijuana a criminal offense. §§841(a)(1), 844(a).

(b) Congress' power to regulate purely local activities that are part of an economic "class of activities" that have a substantial effect on interstate commerce is firmly established. See, e.g., Perez v. United States, 402 U. S. 146, 151. If Congress decides that the " 'total incidence' " of a practice poses a threat to a national market, it may regulate the entire class. See, e.g., id., at 154-155. Of particular relevance here is Wickard v. Filburn, 317 U. S. 111, 127-128,

where, in rejecting the appellee farmer's contention that Congress' admitted power to regulate the production of wheat for commerce did not authorize federal regulation of wheat production intended wholly for the appellee's own consumption, the Court established that Congress can regulate purely intrastate activity that is not itself "commercial," i.e., not produced for sale, if it concludes that failure to regulate that class of activity would undercut the regulation of the interstate market in that commodity.

The similarities between this case and Wickardare striking. In both cases, the regulation is squarely within Congress' commerce power because production of the commodity meant for home consumption, be it wheat or marijuana, has a substantial effect on supply and demand in the national market for that commodity. In assessing the scope of Congress' Commerce Clause authority, the Court need not determine whether respondents' activities, taken in the aggregate, substantially affect interstate commerce in fact, but only whether a "rational basis" exists for so concluding. E.g., Lopez, 514 U. S., at 557.

Given the enforcement difficulties that attend distinguishing between marijuana cultivated locally and marijuana grown elsewhere, 21 U. S. C. §801(5), and concerns about diversion into illicit channels, the Court has no difficulty concluding that Congress had a rational basis for believing that failure to regulate the intrastate manufacture and possession of marijuana would leave a gaping hole in the CSA.

Not to mention this is from the case the set the Stage in CA...

"The genius and character of the whole government seem to be, that its action is to be applied to all the external concerns of the nation, and to [SIZE=-1][402 U.S. 146, 151] [/SIZE]those internal concerns which affect the States generally; but not to those which are completely within a particular State, which do not affect other States, and with which it is not necessary to interfere, for the purpose of executing some of the general powers of the government. The completely internal commerce of a State, then, may be considered as reserved for the State itself."

This is a State issue(25 Mile Rule). The dispensaries will make it a federal issue if they are opposed.(Which they are)

Good for you Tempe420 do not worry about the haters. I think you at least have enough sense to find out what the actual community thinks and then try to work that into your business model. I commend you on that...and putting up with the drama.

Yes, a lot of hate because of the losing of the right to grow. There is also a lot of hate because a lot of these people thought they were going to take the world by storm growing a plant then that thing called BUSINESS got in the way.

The last four years of brainwashing of the Obummer-Nation telling them they deserve because every one is equal has not made it any better. Life is not fair and we are not all equal that is why we have ditch diggers and doctors. Not that being a ditch digger is bad it is not.

Unfortunatley, business does not have a nutrient schedual to garauntee sucess and make for good pictures. In business you actually have to have a large set of knowledge, money, and a work ethic. That does not come in a bottle and can not just be learned reading a forum. Business is also not measured by little green dots under your name so you can beleive your own posts as authority instead it is measure by green paper.

One other thing.....obviuosly this is not your first rodeo if you have the money for the investment. Either you have been in business before or your investors believe in your ability enough that they saw it as a viable risk.

I know from experience I have heard a million people, mosly employees, tell me how they can do it better. I always think to myself... hmmm they can't even do it at all.... if they could they would show me and not tell me how smart they are.

In the bar business I used to call them bar stool lawyers. It is amazing how many with out a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out can give the best advice ever.

The bar business very seldom reassembles the medical cannabis industry and a persons business knowledge has very little to do with cultivation knowledge... I am in know way trying to hate or say that it is not valuable because it is at least half of the equation, just want to bring a slightly different perspective.
A cultivator can definitely have proven nutrient schedules & strains that will produce a phenomenal product, if the owners cant keep the doors open neither will be successful; but typically cannabis sells itself.

Most drug dealers do not have a business degree..

Bars do not typically brew their own booze, they rely on wholesale purchases, product markup and the social aspect.
A brewmaster can make anywhere from $25,000 to $100,000+ a yr depending on the size of their employer. Now take this number into consideration, alcohol is relatively cheap when compared to cannabis. In AZ, there is the option to purchase lb's wholesale from the major suppliers. (Exact $$ unknown) The growers who work for pennies are most likely going to hurt a business rather than help it due to lack of experience. I hope there are lots of calm owners who are will to undergo the trial and error periods, but at that point the intelligent owners could probably figure out how to grow the same level of cannabis on their own.

Bar Owner Responsibilities=Dispensary Owner Responsibilities (Required)
Bartender=Budtender (Required)
Brewmaster=Cultivator (Not Required)

Look at the stupid medical director position...
Some of those doctors are asking for a down payment and then a percentage of the companies revenues, 5%-10% in some cases.
Yes this postion is required but is that a joke? A medical director who does next to nothing will be making more than cultivators.

I will give a perfect example:
I was at the table when an outfit was discussing hiring a gardener for their facility.
The gardener was asked what his price was and he said, "most likely close to the six figure range."
One of the directors chuckled a little and said, "ok, so maybe we wont do a salary, what do you think about working on a performance based contract @ $1500-$2500 per lb?"
Then grower then chuckled themselves and said, "I anticipating on producing at least 100 pounds over the course of a year, so that will work."
REAL LIFE cannabis knowledge and production knowledge is something I imagine dispensary owners would appreciate and pay for.

Nobody wants an employee telling them what to do, esp. when the owner has gone through the trenches to their business up and running.
But, you cannot honestly say that it would not benefit the not so cannabis savvy owners to hire experienced growers who do tell them what to do and when to do it, instead of fumbling around in the dark playing with the owners money/ making mistake after mistake. The glorious thing in this industry is that when someone tells you they can do it better, well there damn sure is a way to test that theory.

Many growers who are applying realize that running a facility will be a 7 day a week 365 day a yr job, cannabis is a living commodity that needs physical interaction. In AZ, this is an industry where a dispensary has two legal options to keep operating, rely on outside suppliers or their own cultivator(s).
From the knowledge I have gathered through first hand experience, an outfit that is buying "wholesale" will be paying more than $100k in product to keep their doors open.

There are some of us who have run the numbers for ourselves and others based on experience; those understand the costs associated with running a facility and the demands/risks associated with this business. Some of us were bouncing around the lottery machine right next to the winners...
The bar business very seldom reassembles the medical cannabis industry and a persons business knowledge has very little to do with cultivation knowledge... I am in know way trying to hate or say that it is not valuable because it is at least half of the equation, just want to bring a slightly different perspective.
A cultivator can definitely have proven nutrient schedules & strains that will produce a phenomenal product, if the owners cant keep the doors open neither will be successful; but typically cannabis sells itself.

Most drug dealers do not have a business degree..

Bars do not typically brew their own booze, they rely on wholesale purchases, product markup and the social aspect.
A brewmaster can make anywhere from $25,000 to $100,000+ a yr depending on the size of their employer. Now take this number into consideration, alcohol is relatively cheap when compared to cannabis. In AZ, there is the option to purchase lb's wholesale from the major suppliers. (Exact $$ unknown) The growers who work for pennies are most likely going to hurt a business rather than help it due to lack of experience. I hope there are lots of calm owners who are will to undergo the trial and error periods, but at that point the intelligent owners could probably figure out how to grow the same level of cannabis on their own.

Bar Owner Responsibilities=Dispensary Owner Responsibilities (Required)
Bartender=Budtender (Required)
Brewmaster=Cultivator (Not Required)

Look at the stupid medical director position...
Some of those doctors are asking for a down payment and then a percentage of the companies revenues, 5%-10% in some cases.
Yes this postion is required but is that a joke? A medical director who does next to nothing will be making more than cultivators.

I will give a perfect example:
I was at the table when an outfit was discussing hiring a gardener for their facility.
The gardener was asked what his price was and he said, "most likely close to the six figure range."
One of the directors chuckled a little and said, "ok, so maybe we wont do a salary, what do you think about working on a performance based contract @ $1500-$2500 per lb?"
Then grower then chuckled themselves and said, "I anticipating on producing at least 100 pounds over the course of a year, so that will work."
REAL LIFE cannabis knowledge and production knowledge is something I imagine dispensary owners would appreciate and pay for.

Nobody wants an employee telling them what to do, esp. when the owner has gone through the trenches to their business up and running.
But, you cannot honestly say that it would not benefit the not so cannabis savvy owners to hire experienced growers who do tell them what to do and when to do it, instead of fumbling around in the dark playing with the owners money/ making mistake after mistake. The glorious thing in this industry is that when someone tells you they can do it better, well there damn sure is a way to test that theory.

Many growers who are applying realize that running a facility will be a 7 day a week 365 day a yr job, cannabis is a living commodity that needs physical interaction. In AZ, this is an industry where a dispensary has two legal options to keep operating, rely on outside suppliers or their own cultivator(s).
From the knowledge I have gathered through first hand experience, an outfit that is buying "wholesale" will be paying more than $100k in product to keep their doors open.

There are some of us who have run the numbers for ourselves and others based on experience; those understand the costs associated with running a facility and the demands/risks associated with this business. Some of us were bouncing around the lottery machine right next to the winners...

I agree with you 100%

1st employees are the greatest asset a business you can have. I have no problem paying for someone who makes me money. That is what it is about money the problem is you can't let em run it. There can not be more than 1 chief it does not work in business you....can not have a democracy.

I am also going to say that with out a good product your employees do not have a snow balls chance in hell. I will agreee that product is the first priority and the growers like yourself should demand top dollar!! The problem is that everyone wants out of the gate and even you know pictures mean shit!!

So a sauvy a business man will not hand any one 2-4K a week until they see the first crop and you have proven your self. I followed your links you grow well but imagine if you only grew well and it looked good in pic. If I remeber your running soiless and what if you have no clue how to flush. The pics would look great pbut the product I can tell you and the reason I am so down on pour nutes may taste like shit and give me a headache. Also the next big thing is curing properly if that is not done the previous two steps can go right out the window. So again a good business man is not going to risk it.

Noticed in my numbers I had 2 growers but my numbers reflected what I couold do as the grower. This way I know what production there would be with quality control until I find the right person. What I am seeing these guys do now is scramble for product to get that big money flowing for the investors. You can not run buisiness that way....whenever you do things quick you lose control and usually it goes up and falls down just as fast. Desperation is never a good start for a business.

Then you must also understand this model of business is a non-profit so the way funds are distributed are scruitinized and if they decide your are not following the rules your done i.e the grower making sooo much over everyone else. So the structure has to be a model where no one benifits above the others or your acting like a profitable business. If this was a for profit model I think you would have less problems getting everything you guys deserve. You must understand it is not just the greed (which greed is good regardless of what people think) of the dispensary owners it is the model by which the state has constraints on what they can do.

Finally this business has its own intricacies but it is just business and all the rules apply regardless if it is a candy shop, doctors office, drywall, or marijuana. Managment is as important as the grower with out them you have no money for your crop. So while you growers do have power with managments (owners) money you can be replaced by another grower. One of the hardest thing I learned when I went from DJ to bar owner was that all my old accounts replaced me witha nother dj. Now mind you they were not as good and the lines were not out the door. However they still made the lesson was...We can all be replaced!!! THE WORLD DOES NOT REVOLVE AROUND ANY OF US.....NO NONE.... NOT EVEN ONE.....NOT EVEN ME.
I Call shenanigans...

Show some proof... If there were a gal with a clipboard taking notes, please show these notes. I can honestly say you are either making shit up or you were asking the wrong people... 100 folks out of 1000's does not equal up to everyone "excited about dispensaries".

You are losing credit daily my friend....

Commerce Clause ... Personal and business production are 2 different beasts..... Personal home growers will have NO effect on interstate commerce hence the reason the Feds will be after the dispensaries and not personal consumption growers. Once dispensaries get shut down (as new ones open up for business) folks will be able to cultivate at home in the end. Regardless my friend the monopoly will cease to exist. The "25 Mile Rule" may always be the written law but I will ensure you patients will be able to reap the same benefits as a patient out side of the "25 Mile Rule".

All controlled substances are classified into five schedules, §812, based on their accepted medical uses, their potential for abuse, and their psychological and physical effects on the body, §§811, 812.Marijuana is classified as a Schedule I substance, §812(c), based on its high potential for abuse, no accepted medical use, and no accepted safety for use in medically supervised treatment, §812(b)(1). This classification renders the manufacture, distribution, or possession of marijuana a criminal offense. §§841(a)(1), 844(a).

(b) Congress' power to regulate purely local activities that are part of an economic "class of activities" that have a substantial effect on interstate commerce is firmly established. See, e.g., Perez v. United States, 402 U. S. 146, 151. If Congress decides that the " 'total incidence' " of a practice poses a threat to a national market, it may regulate the entire class. See, e.g., id., at 154-155. Of particular relevance here is Wickard v. Filburn, 317 U. S. 111, 127-128,

where, in rejecting the appellee farmer's contention that Congress' admitted power to regulate the production of wheat for commerce did not authorize federal regulation of wheat production intended wholly for the appellee's own consumption, the Court established that Congress can regulate purely intrastate activity that is not itself "commercial," i.e., not produced for sale, if it concludes that failure to regulate that class of activity would undercut the regulation of the interstate market in that commodity.

The similarities between this case and Wickardare striking. In both cases, the regulation is squarely within Congress' commerce power because production of the commodity meant for home consumption, be it wheat or marijuana, has a substantial effect on supply and demand in the national market for that commodity. In assessing the scope of Congress' Commerce Clause authority, the Court need not determine whether respondents' activities, taken in the aggregate, substantially affect interstate commerce in fact, but only whether a "rational basis" exists for so concluding. E.g., Lopez, 514 U. S., at 557.

Given the enforcement difficulties that attend distinguishing between marijuana cultivated locally and marijuana grown elsewhere, 21 U. S. C. §801(5), and concerns about diversion into illicit channels, the Court has no difficulty concluding that Congress had a rational basis for believing that failure to regulate the intrastate manufacture and possession of marijuana would leave a gaping hole in the CSA.

Not to mention this is from the case the set the Stage in CA...

"The genius and character of the whole government seem to be, that its action is to be applied to all the external concerns of the nation, and to [SIZE=-1][402 U.S. 146, 151] [/SIZE]those internal concerns which affect the States generally; but not to those which are completely within a particular State, which do not affect other States, and with which it is not necessary to interfere, for the purpose of executing some of the general powers of the government. The completely internal commerce of a State, then, may be considered as reserved for the State itself."

This is a State issue(25 Mile Rule). The dispensaries will make it a federal issue if they are opposed.(Which they are)

I do not know abot the losing credit stuff but.........

I am impressed you know about the commerce clause. That clause alone has caused most if not all of our slavery!!! It is the most evil creation to undermine the Constitution and the first step to rest of the death of our once great nation.
I do not know abot the losing credit stuff but.........

I am impressed you know about the commerce clause. That clause alone has caused most if not all of our slavery!!! It is the most evil creation to undermine the Constitution and the first step to rest of the death of our once great nation.

Its Ass Holes like me who threaten your monopoly game...

That is the simple reason why the Feds will shut down every single dispensary our state tries to open... Why should patients suffer? For your profits?

Last I looked this was a cannabis growing forum... You will not gain much support.. Unless folks think they can land a gig with you in that case get your Ass all cleaned up and folks will line up to kiss it...
I agree with you 100%

1st employees are the greatest asset a business you can have. I have no problem paying for someone who makes me money. That is what it is about money the problem is you can't let em run it. There can not be more than 1 chief it does not work in business you....can not have a democracy.

I am also going to say that with out a good product your employees do not have a snow balls chance in hell. I will agreee that product is the first priority and the growers like yourself should demand top dollar!! The problem is that everyone wants out of the gate and even you know pictures mean shit!!

So a sauvy a business man will not hand any one 2-4K a week until they see the first crop and you have proven your self. I followed your links you grow well but imagine if you only grew well and it looked good in pic. If I remeber your running soiless and what if you have no clue how to flush. The pics would look great pbut the product I can tell you and the reason I am so down on pour nutes may taste like shit and give me a headache. Also the next big thing is curing properly if that is not done the previous two steps can go right out the window. So again a good business man is not going to risk it.

Noticed in my numbers I had 2 growers but my numbers reflected what I couold do as the grower. This way I know what production there would be with quality control until I find the right person. What I am seeing these guys do now is scramble for product to get that big money flowing for the investors. You can not run buisiness that way....whenever you do things quick you lose control and usually it goes up and falls down just as fast. Desperation is never a good start for a business.

Then you must also understand this model of business is a non-profit so the way funds are distributed are scruitinized and if they decide your are not following the rules your done i.e the grower making sooo much over everyone else. So the structure has to be a model where no one benifits above the others or your acting like a profitable business. If this was a for profit model I think you would have less problems getting everything you guys deserve. You must understand it is not just the greed (which greed is good regardless of what people think) of the dispensary owners it is the model by which the state has constraints on what they can do.

Finally this business has its own intricacies but it is just business and all the rules apply regardless if it is a candy shop, doctors office, drywall, or marijuana. Managment is as important as the grower with out them you have no money for your crop. So while you growers do have power with managments (owners) money you can be replaced by another grower. One of the hardest thing I learned when I went from DJ to bar owner was that all my old accounts replaced me witha nother dj. Now mind you they were not as good and the lines were not out the door. However they still made the lesson was...We can all be replaced!!! THE WORLD DOES NOT REVOLVE AROUND ANY OF US.....NO NONE.... NOT EVEN ONE.....NOT EVEN ME.

Good points sir, I like how you are able to avoid the "attack" scenario and talk logic, much appreciated..
I grow completely organic, no unnatural synthetics in this camp, same goes for the first choice individual I would grow with, yield is not being sacrificed either and product curing is second nature to those who have been doing it for years..
This does not mean organic is the only way but from experience with both ends of the spectrum, the organic herb is better in every way IMO. Growing for max yield, flavor as well as potency should be top priority for any grower, but these qualities are also determined by genetics to some extent. Genetics, genetics and genetic advice is going to uber important. CL clones provide no exclusivity amongst many other issues, true lineage etc.
Dispensary owners want multiple growers, correct? Well good luck getting two of them that are not at each others throats, finding a pair or trio of like-minded gardeners who feed off each other is a SERIOUS task. Just look at all the back and forth on RIU.... They exist but not in abundance.

I agree, pics aren't shit but that, they are fun to look at and showcase some qualities of a harvested product. Smoke report and tangible product are what matter, I stand behind my product but what gardener doesn't? This is why patient support regarding meds is very important. Some of us here have garnered large support through the markets or personal meets for having top-shelf, affordable medication, the patients word is more valuable IMO.

I don't think a trail/proving period should be out of the question... But, if you asking a grower to undergo trials in your facilty with their genetics and not get paid something upfront (include contingencies)? I see problems at both ends. First, a grower who is a worthy candidate has legit genetics and are most likely going to be weary about bringing them into any facilty without some form of insurance that they are not being bent over solely for their cuts.. On the other side, owners want to see a product from start to finish before committing. One would be lucky to have just harvested their personal crop and I would expect them to be eager showcase the entire crop to a legit employer... I understand both arguments so I ask everyone, where is the meeting of the minds? I would not show up to an interview without multiple forms of dank and I would be eager to watch my potential employer light up a bowl of my herb instead of just smelling the jar. The initial facial expression says it all, lol.

As a gardener I would not want to remotely be involved in day to day business decisions unless asked, I believe a grower should focus on their skill set. A legitimate candidate should realize where their expertise stands, for instance, a cultivator could be a deaf mute, but what they produce is worth a thousand words and they don't need to tout the product, it does so itself.

No industry revolves around one person is a great statement, it all revolves are a well balanced team and that is what should be the ultimate goal in everyones eyes; long term partnership based on the trust of professionalism. You also need to understand that growers are sometimes handed the short straw. Placing a cultivator in a facility that was built by someone or a group with little to no experience is going to prove to be extremely problematic. I suggest to any outfit that their grower(s) be included in the build out of any facilty to help eliminate simple surprises from the get go. There will always be adjustments being made but might as well try to get everything dialed from the get go. A qualified grower knows what a facilty needs to operate because they have comprehension of the numbers and needed performance. Some have been around the block before...

Off topic here, Can a non-profit hire an established LLC for growing and pay them accordingly without the LLC being considered an independent contractor? The LLC would pay taxes separately etc.
There are companies out there, like wegrow, who are offering cultivation services. No doubt they will set up the facility with their equipment (probably incorreclty) and leave the non-profit hgh and dry when it comes time to grow
It is not that hard to work with other growers who really know what they are doing. Its when you get these noobs who have been growing a few plants since the amma and now think they are master cultivators. When two of these types try and work together it does not go so well because neither of them really know what is going on and their egos run the show. I work with a partner just fine because we both know exactly what need to be done and when to do it. Our knowledge of what to do is based on facts and experience not some bullshit we read on the internet.
Some growers want to cut back on Cal/Mag during the last 3 weeks of flower - what's up with that?!?!?!?!? Fucking Noobs! LOL
Logic wow what a concept!!!

Chron you know that would be a grey area if they are acting as an agent for them in essence so.... MAYBE they could be indepentdant. The part wehre I think it would fail is your purchasing the product with a markup (gain) from a non-dispensary for profit entity vs normal day to day costs. Which I feel would be construed as averting the law.

I am not sure who said it but I think the best angle for them is a flat base salary for the grower with perfomrance bonus. That way the growe is an employee with low costs until they perform. Something like a salesman never really makes any money even if he takes a draw it is only againts his wage. The instant you hand out a 1099 vs a W-2 they are not employees and for profit.
Why wouldn't a non-profit be able to hire independent contractors? Farming consultants through an LLC?

As long as the grow was taking place at a facility owned by the dispensary, with equipment owned by the dispensary?

I am not an expert here, as i am simply curious.
Why wouldn't a non-profit be able to hire independent contractors? Farming consultants through an LLC?

As long as the grow was taking place at a facility owned by the dispensary, with equipment owned by the dispensary?

I am not an expert here, as i am simply curious.

You're an expert at being fucking cool!
howcome you havent PM me yet?? i take it i didnt get the job :(


man that would be a awesome job. check out my thread i can grow some herbs :)