How're they doing + where they've been = When should they go to 12/12


I popped these beans the 3rd January 2011. That makes them 7 weeks old now.

They got really badly infected with something that caused all the plants to display wilting signs and slowly die (yellow, dry, crumble, fall off) from the bottom up and for about 2 weeks they didn't grow. I suspect a pythium bacterial infection of some sort of root aphid/fungus gnat as I now have seen a few crunchies in my leaves as well as gnats in the grow room.

Due to their infection, they ceased to grow for approximately 2 weeks... My final solution was to re-pot into fresh organic soil. When i took out all of my babies for re-potting the rootball had actually shrunk from its prior vessel; it had completely rootbound a 16oz solo cup. These 4 week old seedlings had rootballs the size of a childs fist with tan, brown roots.

I placed them into new containers and fresh soil. I also placed a hefty amount of dried beneficial mycorrhizae (fungus) that aid the plant in phosphorus and water uptake as well as ward off plant pathogenic bacteria. After about 3 days after the pot I saw new growth begin starkly at the meristems, bright green against the practically ancient older growth.

Now here they are, 7 weeks after sprouting. PS, one of them I topped... Guess which one

Important Part:
Since I am a beginner grower, how far behind am i due to the infection? I am under a 400w CMH.

Would I lose harvest if I switched them to 12/12 now? How long should I wait for maximum? I have 1-2 with 60/40 to potentially 100% sativa genetics, my headroom is 55"



Some more info.

The front (bottom) two pots are 1gal and the back ones are are in 2.5gal.

I have 5gal grow bags that I was planning on going to for flowering, but I have some more 2.5 gals I can upgrade the 1gals to.

If I veg for another 2 weeks and do a 10 week flower period would 2.5 gals be enough? Or should I just move up to 5gals? (only thing im concerned about is running out of soil
Well thanks, I did run out of soil so I need to go buy another bag... So they won't be transplanted quite yet.

I will try to transplant tomorrow or the next day, continue to veg for a week longer until I see well established growth, then I will turn the timer to 12/12.

How's that sound?

I still have all the soil from the old pots but I am hesitant to use it due to what unknown organisms are in it that hurt my plants... How could I sterilize it?