Hows it goinn NEW need advice


Well-Known Member
hey so im lookin for some advice on my first grow room i got like almost unlimited space for how much im plannin on growin (maybe 10-20 plants(gonna be makin some hashh)) n im wonderin wat kinda lights wud be good and if any one nows anythin about climate control (heat, humidity(the temperatures here vary pretty hugley from summer to winter(-40C to 30C)n i dont think my garage is insulated so ya any advice?


Well-Known Member
check out the growfaq section
find aswers to almost all of your questions
or check out ppls journals
lots of info to sift through


Well-Known Member
Dude, if you're serious, you need to read. There are no real shortcuts. 20 plants need a lot of attention. You're gonna need an exhaust if the garage gets above 80* and fans, regardless. If you can, exhaust thru the roof, or high up, so passer-byers aren't likely to smell your dank on a hot, sticky summer's day. Stink rises, if allowed to.
It's ALL right here : GROWFAQ expand the drop-down menus (+ - signs) for subject sub-categories.


Well-Known Member
dont tell anyone wat ur doin? no shit man not like im gonna go runnin down by the pig pen with my pants down screemin I GROW WEED!! n i dunno about goin thru the roof the snow can get like 2 feet here but ya i get it just serch thru shit thhhannnkksss


Well-Known Member
Jesus can't any of you idiots spell either? If I have to decipher wtf you are trying to ask--forget it!


Well-Known Member
okk lets not get VIOLENT ehh? jus lookin for some suggestions but other buddy had to tell me gfy? apparently u guys feelin tough now u got ur keyboards sooo... any suggestions on lights 10-20 plants?


Active Member
ok im really new to this too and i wanted to know what are the stages and how long are each of them, and also what kind of light does each stage get


Well-Known Member
k i been readin some shit about this an i think the veg stage is as long as u want it to be n flowerin is until its done ive also red that mh's r good for veg n hps r good for flower but u can use eitgher all the way thru


Active Member
ok then what about the light i mean im really new to this i need to know what kind of lights to put on them


Active Member
ok so can you tell me real fast what are the stages and how long are they and what exact kinds of light does each stage need that's what i really need


Well-Known Member
ok so can you tell me real fast what are the stages and how long are they and what exact kinds of light does each stage need that's what i really need
you see..thats the thing...after those questions get answered you will have more...and after those get answered there will be more.....this is the book that answered all the same questions for me that you are asking will really benifit from knowing why herb grows the way it does and why different strains grow different not trying to blow you off or not answer your questions....there are just to many basics to tell everyone that asks how to start i post a link for that book for anyone who is interested in is the best advice i can give because most of what i know i learned from that book....:joint::mrgreen::hump: