hows it looking?

heres my first grow... a bunch of random seeds pulled the males and i have 6 plants left...of what i think there doing pretty running 4 42w 2700lumen cfls and 7 26w 1625lumens cfls...i keep the higher lumen lights up top a few inches from the main cola and i keep the other 7 around the sides to shine some light from multiple angles... heres some photos to let me know if they look good...also im using ionic nutes and superthrive vitamins that i just started yesterday there about a little over a foot tall one is probably 16inches tall i put a book up next to it for a size reference...out of experience how much do u think im gonna yeild per plant? once again not sure of strain...most seem to be a sativa. i just swtiched to 12-12 on the 1st of july and took 6clones on the 4th after i knew they were forsure female..i vegged for a shorter period of time only 6 weeks due to space..and advise much apprecieated....oh and yeah i know i should be using hid lighting but i cant afford it rate now...i do plan on it in the future


Well-Known Member
They're looking fine. Also, I think they're also mostly indica, which will help you with their flowering time.
Keep on doing what you're doing dude.
(And, as ever, more light!;))
Hope this helps...


Well-Known Member
i personally hate pots that taper at the bottom. you don't realize how much root zone you're giving up. overall, nice work. a little less N next time, methinks. starting to claw a bit, and you're really dark green. keep on gardening!:)


Active Member
very nice first grow
keep it up and you're going to set yourself a nice benchmark to work from

STOP feeding so often - get a plain water at least ecery third water
pic 2 is gonna give you micro issues but seems to have the fattest callyxes sooooo
pix 1 n 3 , i'd keep a close eye on for nanners around week 6 onward
great lil cfl grow
i think you don't have a fan on the girls
they could use it i think
did you plant in hot soil?
is your ionic the coco/soil or the plain ionic?
hydro nutes in soil are VERY hot - especially nitrogen
your soil looks heavy in peat amnd humus
you really need the sort of rapid growth only achiecvable through hid lighting to keep up with that hot shit
be easy on the girls don't feed them just cause the jug says to
feed them cause they ask for it
great grow man