Hows my plant doing? 1st time grower


Active Member
hello this is my snow white growing outside. i started LST today, heres some pics:blsmoke: i cut one of my leaves off because it looked dead.4.jpg2.jpg3.jpg


Your stem looks kinda long. I wonder if that will effect the strength of if it. Maybe it just looks weird form the angle. I have been interested in trying LST on my first grow. I just planted 13 seedlings today of random awesome strains.


Active Member
yeah my plant is long.. i put it in the woods and it was stuck in the shade for a week.. its in the middle of a feild where it will get sunlight all day now


Active Member
It's a bit small for almost 2 months.
thats what i was thinking.. i dont know why its not getting bigger thats why i started lst, hopfully ill start noticing it getting bigger now

would it be bad to put it indoors under CLF's since its been outside for so long? i think i might start flowering it or would that be a wasite of time and no weed?


Well-Known Member
What kind of soil is that? Deciding what to do next depends on why its growing so slow, its been in the feild for about 6 weeks now? how often does it get watered or it rains? have you given it any nutes yet? what are your temps at night and during the day? how many hours of direct light is it getting a day? what size container is that?


Active Member
its a 5gal pot and no its been in that spot for a couple days it was in the woods for the rest of the time, i think it was in the shade all day.. the soil im using is "Northwest potting soil" i have some MG moisture control but im not sure if i should try to transplant it out of the 5gal bucket..i dont know how i would do that without ripping the roots and killing the plant.. i have another clean 5gal bucket tho if anyone has any ideas


Well-Known Member
I wouldnt use the moisture control mg, It may just be that it was in the shade till a few days ago, give it time. also, how full is that bucket?


Active Member
HELP! my plant started wilting.. its been raining so much in washington i think its getting overwattered

and the smallest leaves are turning yellow. i added some all purpose miracle grow.. im not gonna feed or water for the rest of the week, any tips?


Well-Known Member
Washington state? Are your outside temps at night below 60-65f? Just did a random Seattle weather look up, low to mid 50's. That is kinda cold for a plant where the optimal growing temps 75-80(day)/60-70(night). That might be slowing the growth along with it being in the shade... your yougin has cold-feet(roots). I would take it indoors an when it gets a good canopy then introduce it back outside, by then the rain may have subsided a bit.... even though you are in Washington. :eyesmoke:


Active Member
I would get a straight stick (Popsicle will do for now) do keep it straight and growing upwards.
Also, miracle grow usually is bad for your plant (unless you know what your doing).
The first 2 little circle leafs will always dis-color and fall off, so dont worry about that.

Hope it grows up to be a delicious lady!