How's my plant doing


Active Member
Hello all, this is my first plant that started july 13 so its about 4 weeks old and about 4.5 inches tall. i have some spots on the leaves but its not out of controll..let me know what i can do to change some things for the better of my plant..thanks





Active Member
Well, to tell you the truth i have it under an aerogarden set up obviously its not in the water just under the light but i have it chillin in my room with a fan(not sure what watt)..i watched this girl grow a pretty big plant in an aerogarden so i thought id give it a try..a buddy told me to put the plant as close to the light as i can but the aerogarden lights get really last plats fried in 10 min. Now i start my seedling under a 15-20 watt aquarium grow light in about week 2 i put them under the aerogarden light and put the plant about 5-6in away from the light...luckily my plats are not stretching hardcore to the light ha but supposedly its called cederella bluberry but who many people putting names on shit now haha