Active Member
aloha all. been lurking a while and i finally started my first grow . reluctantly went for an autoflower, which has been growing just fine out here in hot dry west maui at low elevation. one on my porch and 2 in my closet. all soil. the oldest is maybe another 2 weeks to a month from harvest. hoping to keep all my growing activities outdoor from here on out tho, and i wanted to know if there were some local growers here with some good genetics? i really dont wanna order seeds online no more. the puamana ohana seeds i got never germinated. and from reading an old thread it looks like that guys a fraud..i thought his website seemed a little fishy.. some weird ass pidgin.. other seeds from overseas reputable places all were fine. any maui braddas (or sisters) on here?
i've got some seeds from some guy in haiku who i thought was gonna be a local dude when i contacted him from a craigslist ad...just makes me wonder about the origin..how old can these genetics be if he aint even from here?? the guy sure didnt look local .. but hey no judgement. its not like im hawaiian. just born and raised.. i cant say nothin bad so far..at least the seeds germinated! gonna pop all the ones i got from overseas then look for some local genetics strictly hopefully. im into my health so i am building some beds in lahaina, going to try all organic, hopefully no till. been reading alot on soil biology and korean natural farming and im in the process of making some natural farming inputs. if only i can find time to go bury my rice in the woods..anyway pretty hot and dry in lahaina..lots of watering so im gonna take a shot at some drip irrigation as well. our yard especially is all red dirt. not much shade..stuff dries out real quick i hardly even smoke anymore though. last bag i got was giving me some weird anxiety. so i decided to cut out the middle man. i think the guy was getting it off the dark web and his grower either harvested early while it still had some bug killer or some shit on the bud..who knows maybe im just getting to old for the strong shit..but it looked like all clear trichomes under my loupe. any mauians or neighbor islanders on here?