Hps 600 or 1000


Active Member
Hey guys I'm going to buy a hps in the next couple days. I have a smaller flowering room (10 sgft). I have a fan that can run at 140cfm which could fully replace the air in there every 30seconds. It has a 6" output on it and I have 2 4" fresh air lines coming in so I think I can handle the heat of either light. With the 1000 I get 100watts per sgft and 14000 lumens per sgft. With the 600 I get 60watts per sgft and 9100 lumens. My question is, is the 1000 to much and is it worth the extra cost of running it. Thanks guys


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure I run a 400. I just have a question that may go along with. Though we all know the 600 is the most efficient light with the lumen count, etc..I seem to hear about a whole lot more problems with the 600w than with 1,000w. Correct me if I'm wrong please.


Well-Known Member
so if yours is 3x3 a 600 should be perfect. I have 3 x 1000 now. 2 in the flower room 6' x 8' and the veg is 5'x5'. When i only had 1 in the flower and 1 in the veg, i used a 140cfm GrowBright "canfan" to cool both hoods. Worked good too. Now my 4" 140 cools the hood in the veg room and i have a 6" 420cfm cooling the 2 in the flower room. Now its cooling and exhausting extra nice. Didnt hear of any problems when researching lighting with the 600's, but wasnt really looking for them.


Well-Known Member
I had heard that the lumatek 600's weren't doing as well as the 400 and 1000's. But back to yip yap..

"Hey guys I'm going to buy a hps in the next couple days. I have a smaller flowering room (10 sgft). I have a fan that can run at 140cfm which could fully replace the air in there every 30seconds. It has a 6" output on it and I have 2 4" fresh air lines coming in so I think I can handle the heat of either light. With the 1000 I get 100watts per sgft and 14000 lumens per sgft. With the 600 I get 60watts per sgft and 9100 lumens. My question is, is the 1000 to much and is it worth the extra cost of running it. Thanks guys "


Active Member
thanks guys. I thought I wouldn't have a problem with heat if I get the 1000 but glad to hear you did this with no problem. My flowering room is 2.5x4. I guess the real question is will the 1000 just be overkill. It's about a 60% increase in power consuption and lumen output over the 600 but will it yeild anywhere even close to 60% more bud. If not then it's not worth the extra lumens.
Thanks guys


Well-Known Member
as far as efficiency 600w and 1000w are the same... they are the most efficient lights you can get (lumens per $ wise)...

that being said, if you can handle the heat from the 1K - get it, otherwise you'll end up with a 600 and a 1K ;-)

i have 2 1KW lights in my garden which is about 3' x 7' with a sloped ceiling averaging about 6.5'... you will have to get vented hoods for either bulb tho.


Active Member
Thanks bloodshot yea my flowering room is pretty much exactly half of your room. Do you feel that your yields are that much better running 1000s then if you had 2-600s. I am definatly getting an online cooling system with what ever light I get.


Well-Known Member
i went from a single 400 to a 1K and a 400 to 2 1Ks...

all i can say is the difference between 400 and 1K is NIGHT and DAY... ;-)

I skipped the whole 600 phase because i had a 1K and a 400 in the same room and i knew the 6 would be closer to the 4 than the 1K...

i could use 2 600s, but i don't think i would get the yield...


Active Member
I think I will be able to cool both. I'm more concerned on yield. I guess my whole question for this thread was if the 1000 will yield anywhere close to the 60% more energy that it uses

Top 44

Well-Known Member
I had heard that the lumatek 600's weren't doing as well as the 400 and 1000's. But back to yip yap.
I was thinking about buying a Lumatek 600. I'd be interested to hear any feedback about them. Also, any info on Philips Son-T Pia Plus bulbs would be appreciated.

grass master 09

Active Member
The bottom line is light is only one of the factors in your total yield. Your yield should be larger but to quantify it by 60% more yield may be hopeful. Someone would have had to test this to tell for sure and I believe in go big or go home so I started with 1K from the start. Topping will offer a larger yield no matter what wattage you settle on.


Active Member
what about nutes.on top of your regular nutes ,in flower, you guys ever use stuff like ozi bloom tonic,gh hydolicious bloom,and stuff like that.if you do ,whats the deal try to get them to take as much differant stuff before you rinse?i read about grows where thay uses alot of differant nutes.


Active Member
does anyone know what the actual difference in heat output would be between the two because the setup im planing is to cool the room with fresh outside air and fans. and to cool the light with a cooltube setup that would draw air through my odor filter, the light, the fan and out. i plan on doing this for either light so i think that will keep the room at the temps i want. this is my first serious grow and i think a 600 would fit my space better. i just have the feeling that after two or three grows im going to end up with a 1000 anyway but not sure if i need it. i have a tendancy to "jump" right into things without getting my feet wet first, thats why im a little ify on getting the 1000 because im not 100% sure i need it.


Well-Known Member
600s are the most efficient lights on the market period. than they offer the best lumen per watt ratio of any other light out there other than possibly the 750s which i have not looked at.

also you have to understand that there is only a certain point where no matter how much light you give the babies they will not get larger without c02 because they are using all of the possible energy they recieve in the given amount of space.

that being said with your space you will not be able to use the full capabilities of a 1000 watt bulb. ideally you want to be between 50 and 75 watts per sq foot anything more than that and it is pretty much wasteful unless you have c02 to speed up photosynthesis.

i have personally run a test where i had 2 4x4 tables, one of which had 2000w focused on top of it , and another one i had 1000 watts over it. both tables ran exactly the same strain, 36 plants in each table, flowered from 10 inches tall and lolipoped

the table with 2k only yielded about 2 more ounces than the table with 1k because most of the light was being reflected off of the plants because they were using all of the energy they could in the space provided..

the moral of the story is yea you can get the 1k, but unless you plan on expanding in the future it would just be a waste of money.. if 10sq feet is all you will have to work with for a while then get the 600.. it will be easier to cool, you can get it closer to the plants, and you will save in electricity. the only way i would get the 1k is if you had money in your budget for c02 and were going to seal the room or tent and do it right