hps 600 watt 2 feet too far?


i have seedlings at 1 week old now and i was told to keep them far away but now theire growth is slowing should i bring it down a bit lower to reap the full benefits? the plants are starting to look lime green10168528_10203621341798956_96022781_n (1).jpg10168528_10203621341798956_96022781_n.jpg


Well-Known Member
hi, i know some people go straight with the big lights but me personaly think your just wasting electric, they cant use all the rays from the light at that age, im not saying you cant or shouldnt use it but if you do its best to start from far away and then bring it in day by day to harden the plant up, as for the colour im no expert but if its not the strong light then perhaps it needs some nitrogen what soil you using as 10 days a decent soil would still be ok


Well-Known Member
you could put them under the 600 but like cozz said its a waste of electricity.. go grab your self a 25 watt 6400k T5 and keep her clost to that (2inch) until she has 3 sets of real leaves then shove her under the 600 ..

Indoor Sun King

Well-Known Member
I use 23 watt CFL's for about 3 weeks, then the HPS

......just a waste of power and bulb life-span using it on such a young plant


Well-Known Member
I have a 400w 6-8 inches away no problem. Id move it up, if I were you.

It had incredible growth with it.


Active Member
Dont move it closer move it further away,600w is too much for seedlings,as has been said get some cfls