HPS or MH lighting?????


Active Member
I just wanna grow a couple plants for personal use, and as long as they give me a high in the end, Im satified. Im unsure of what light source to use because both hps and mh seem the best. But say I bought a 250 hps bulb, will i have to buy anything else or will it fit into a standard light fixture? Ive seen a lot of grow rooms on here and they look a little to pro for me to take tips. I have a 10 gallon res. and 2 baskets. Still pondering on a medium and how to start them after they sprout. I have so many questions but I will spare. I currently have the setup for DWC, but people have told me that theres much easier ways so I have been stalling for a couple months now. I need to get my shit together and get growing, I just... dont know what to do. Ive grown outdoors so I know the basics and more about soil, but out of curiousity Ive been dying to try hydro cuz it seems so quick and apparently has a better high than an outdoor plant. Thanks for your help everyone!!!


Well-Known Member
High Tech Garden Supply

youll need to get somthing like this, even though for a couple bucks more you can get a 400W... Id get the 400W :P
HPS bulb wont workin in a standard light socket, you need a ballast, and larger mogul.
HPS is better for flowering, you may want to pic up a MH conversion bulb, that will work with a HPS ballast, and use the MH for veging, or you can buy 2 if you got the cash


Active Member
Those seem a bit expensive. Would flouresent be a way to wing it, or do they not put off the right light? I just usually hear that if youre only growing 2-3 plants, like i plan to, 250w is a minimum but will do the job fine. Would you recommend DWC or is their an easier way, other than oldschool soil? Like I said, after I heard I could grow and cure a crop in a couple months, I almost shit myself, so I wanna do it if possible. By the way, a friend swears that a blacklite puts off UV light thats great for growing, is this true or is he a dumbass? Lol