HPS Question...Stealth mini Grow

whats up guys...been trolling for a few and ive finnaly started to get my green thumb on!
going to start its own thread for the grow but as for now there in a 20x16x14 box

Question is that if i were to get a 100 or 150 watt HPS would it heat up to much in there?
I got 5 cfls now and would rather switch it up(3 23 watt 5000k 2 23 watt 2700K)

How much hotter do these fire at then ambient temps?
Cabs running 81-83 in the day and around 77-79 at night with lights at 24/0

lemme know what you guys think


Well-Known Member
i would keep using the cfl's if you are worrying about temps from an hps.

they generate alot more heat than cfl's

i have a closet running 1 600w hps and without extraction or cold intake would make my room into the 100's F and its 8ftx4x7. with intake and exhaust keeps around the 80's.

if you do plan on using the hps then you will need to vent in such a small area



Well-Known Member
the box ur talking about really isnt big enuff for anything other than seedlings/very early veg so i wouldnt see any point in wasting cash on a little hps, the venting issues would be too much hassle. i'd just use ur box to bring on my grow and then sort out a larger space for an hps grow area with an extractor fan. maybe think about a grow tent kit, you'll find a good set up on ebay for relatively cheap( i use 2 tents myself(4' x 4' x 6 1/2') with 600watt hps and carbon filters/extractor fans, cost around £230($400 i guess) will grow 4-6 full size plants)
thx alot guys
really appreciate the input...

well i guess i should of added that its really only for personal stash...
just experimenting at first and trying to get all my techniques down so i dont fuck up on the slightly larger grows i will be doing...
but i do not wish them to get much bigger than this...
im a real creative guy and ive developed a VERY stealth and compact grow while keeping everything tucked in and shit

I know i also saw some guy with a 100 CMH light in his PC grow box? didnt really look into intake and exhaust but could this be possible?