HPS tempered glass shield? Help!


Active Member
Hello RIU

I'm experiencing some pretty bad heat issues with my 150w HPS. Got a 100CFM inline fan attached to 4x8 phresh and a case fan bringing in cool air, and a 5" O2 fan for air circulation. I've tried doing everything possible to bring the temps down. I added another 4" hole for passive intake, and tried setting up my O2 fan in every position possible to try to cool the box. Temps stay around 88-92F when the light is on.

Does anyone know if that tempered glass shield for the light actually lower the heat coming down? Most of the actual system stays pretty cool, except the part where the built in ballast is. My light didn't come with one, and now I'm trying to find one that might fit.


This is the light that I got. Anyone have any experience with these? Usually run super hot? And does anyone know if theres a tempered glass shield that'll fit in there? Thanks a lot in advance!!
I had a hydro farm 430w just like that and it has a slot for glass but did not come with one. I traded mine for an enclosed glass plated vented hood. With the light and ballast and no real way to draw air out before it is added to the room i had to get rid of it. The only suggestion that my local hydro shop had was to get a portable a/c. I said fuck that and traded up. Sorry thats not much help but i had the same issue.


Active Member
EDIT: I swapped out my 150w HPS with my 55w and 65w CFLs. The constant checking on the temps were starting to take a toll on me lol... So now comes the new problems. I have an extra passive intake for no reason. I think I can keep those two CFLs around 77-83F. Should I cover it up? If not I might just throw some panty hose around the hole and see how that goes. Most importantly, one of my lightbulbs is 5000k and the other 5500k. It'll be around a week and a half or two before I can get my hands on the 85w 2700k bulb. (Assuming I can no longer use my HPS). Will this change in light spectrum have any effect on my plant?

Hopefully someone can tell me about any tempered glass I can slide through to enclose the heat possibly. It's a really really thin slot for it. Not sure if there's anything I can actually use... If not, I'll just have to get an 85w CFL and use my 65w alongside it. One 2700k and one 5500k. Think that'll be alright?


Well-Known Member
I had to mount an 18" oscillating fan from the roof of my tent, blowing across my 600w air cooled tube xl hood. it lowered the temps from 86* to 81*. im also running a 440 cfm fan for the cool tube hood, 420cfm intake fan, 420 cfm exhaust fan and 3 5" clip type fans. soon ill have to reconfigure the 18" fan due to raising the lights and plant growth.



Active Member
I've tried diff set ups with my 5" O2 fan. No matter where, the temps hit 92F. I've set it to blow directly across my HPS towards my carbon filter, but still temps where high. It's weird, because the whole rig was cool to the touch, except the end part which housed the ballast. My theory is that the ballast must be a 3-5 degree increase, and the actual bulb not being housed would prob add at least a 5 degree increase. There's nothing really I can do about the ballast, so I'm running two CFLs for now. 120w in total degrees. Thinking about getting one 85w to swap out with my 55w. But I've had to put money into floramite just now, and maybe some calmag. Do you know if using one full spectrum 5500k bulb and one 5000k bulb for now be alright? It's about a week into flowering. And do you use a CF?


Well-Known Member
a 5" fan is not going to move any heat at all. you need a fan with some balls to move heat. notice where my 5" fans are at, and what fan I have blowing across the hood. I also have my hood tube fan pulling, not pushing. pulls across the socket, then bulb, then out.


Active Member
Thanks demon, I've taken a look at your journal. Plants are looking real nice! I'm jealous b/c I was about to germ a Barney's Farm PC two days ago, but as I was taking it out of the shot glass, the seed stuck to my finger and fell down the garbage disposal I think. Super sad face... only got one b/c of pick and mix lol. Well about the fan... mind you, I'm growing in a 1x1.5 box. Only three feet tall as well. And the 5" O2 fan has some nice circulation. Already makes my leaves dance when blown directly on.

Do you know if flowering with one multi spectrum light, and one 5000k light for the next week and half or so would be alright? I'm waiting on my 85w cfl to come in.


Active Member
Time to think about LED? You don't need all the cooling accessories, and there are way more spectral options to choose from in my opinion.

Concerning your current set up, do you have the space vented pretty well so air can move through--into and out of-- the room itself?


Well-Known Member
I tell people all the time to just pick up a 16 dollar 20" box fan from Walmart. Moves a little over 2000 cfm, if that doesn't fix it the temps in your house ate too hot.My house AC is set at 78 and with my 600 watt cool tube and some box fans at canopy is also 78


Active Member
To everyone replying. Thank you, but getting a cool tube or a 20" box fan will not accommodate my situation. I'm growing in a box that's 16"x19"x36". That's why I opted to get the light that I did. I've looked onto multiple light selling sights and have yet to see a cool tube manufacturer that has one under 18". I thought about LED's, but I'm broke, and I heard LED's are a whole other story. There's not too much info on LED's on growing cannabis. I know that it works, and its supposedly less heat than HPS, but it's not a solid enough thing yet.

Can anyone answer if flowering with 5000k lightbulb and one 5500k multi spectrum lightbulb is ok for now?!


Well-Known Member
I'm using that 600 cool tube in a 35 gallon Rubbermaid setup.. box fan can be attached nicely to move all the air out the box immediately


Well-Known Member
Yes, growing with either bulb is fine, and the glass will not help to bring temperatures down, it will actually make the fixture hotter.