HSO Blue Dream, PH problem?


We grew this from seed, popped on January 19, let her veg until March 8 and switched her to 12/12. Her leaves have always been a little off since she sprouted and we attributed it to anything crossed with blueberry's is a finicky plant. Since we changed her to 12/12 she has gotten worse looking and I was wondering if it could currently or previously have had a PH problem. Here are the stats.

400 watt hps 12/12 air cooled hood attached directly to a Can carbon scrubber/filter on the intake with a Can 6in 440cfm sucking hot air out and away
Inside tent grow. temp stays about 76F but has been around 80 a couple times and at night temps drop to 66F
6in inline booster fan for fresh air intake.
1Gallon containers, coco coir medium with perlite added. Coco and stones on top were both thoroughly rinsed.
Current soil PH is 6.3 and water runoff is 6.1
Fox Farm Nutes 1/4 strength (liquid and powder), water PH'ed to 5.8/5.9, followed fox farms soil guide, added 1tsp epsom salts per gallon
Watered when containers were very light/dry, normally 2-3 times a week. Feed, water, water. Never did a second feeding for any of the weeks.
Sledgehammer flush on March 8, same day as flipped to 12/12.

Next to her in the tent is a OG Kush that has been been raised exactly the same but has had no problems at all.

Thank you to anyone who stops and takes a look at this thread whether or not you reply.

Sgt J

