Huge Problem Please Help


Active Member
I just started flowering in a box thats like 3 feet tall and my plants are getting to tall. Is there anything i can do. moving them is out of the question!!!:joint: its been about 5 days and they've grown like twice the size. when will they stop...can i chop them...


Just some idiot
Time to learn about topping and or LST. Look in the FAQ, your gonna have a mess with a 400watt in a small box like that.


Well-Known Member
It sounds like you're early enough into flowering that you could top if you wanted to. In your current situation LST will probably give you the best yields if you can accomodate it. Don't wait more than another day or two to top if you choose that route.


Well-Known Member
Bend her over, use a string or bungee cord gently bend her over. I have found if i put enough weight on to get her bending over to the 2 o'clock position and staying there, time will do the rest. After a few days all the buds will be pointing up at the light, no worries, than move your light down. Put your hand between the light and plant ( almost touching the top of the plant ) if you can hold it there and not get hot thats the right height. You than hang a peice of string off it so you know when to move it up.



Well-Known Member
rule of thumb. in a 5 gallon bucket if you flower a 1 foot plant. indica plant it will gain 1 to 2 feet during flower.
sativas even more. i had some g13x haze i flowered at 2 feet they were 6 feet when done. keep that in mind when picking a strain. good luck homie