HUGE Problem Please Help!!!!!!!


Active Member
Well my damn dog has FUCKING fleas after going and getting groomed how fucked up is that..Now i need to bomb the house, is this gonna kill my plants in the closet?????????Please help if u know or have had an experience and what to do...


Well-Known Member
Wont do them any good, of course it will kill them.
Can you relocate the plants for 1/2 a day? or, make the dog let him put up with them and you too, they wont eat much(till harvest).


Active Member
What kind of insecticide are you going to use. The only problem you are going to have is to check the half life of the chemical and then consider harvest time of your plants.

An insecticide WILL NOT kill your plants. Many of greenhouses bomb there plants to kill off unwanted pests.

Let me know what active ingredient you are using and what stage your plants are in.

You do not want to be ingesting insectide, but the half life tells how long it will be active.

Most insecticides are neutralized by water, so worse case scenario you could just give your plants a very good wash down.


Active Member
I agree with plantvision, it will NOT kill your plant but your not going to be wanting to smoke pesticides. Find out how long the stuff stays active and if it is water salable. If it is water salable then throw those babies in the shower after.


Active Member
I found some fleabuster shit its powder and has a yr guarentee and lots of good reviews...So NO bombing needed just takes 2 weeks to get ride of but well worth saving my 2 INDUSTRIAL PLANTS(DINAFEMS SEEDS), 2K-TRAIN(GHS), 1 CALIFORNIA HASH(DINAFEM)...These beauties are about a mth old and a week from 12/12 so im def not trying to screw this up lol....


Well-Known Member
Good thats better. I was concerned about the flea bomb, not much kills the little bastards so it would be harmful to your plants. Plant insecticides are ok. For eg ,spray your whole plant with bug spray and check it out the next day.:wall:


Active Member
Yeah i was scared for a minute, i thought i was gonna lose what i had and that would be shitty not to mention about 90bucks in seeds


Well-Known Member
Get the pills for your dog.. I think they are about $15 each and last a month. If you have fleas in your house they will get back on the dog, bite him and die.. I wouldn't bomb my house with insecticide, plants or no plants..


Active Member
Bro im not bombing im using a powder stuff look it up fleabusters..Not harmful in anyway...The powder goes all over ur house in the couch chair, floors,..ECT...U vacuum it out 3 times a week for 3 weeks and their 100% gone for a YR GUARANTEED...Kills ants, roaches, AND FUCKING also works for cats...


Active Member
My own convenient mixture, just what I had on hand but works for fleas in carpet: Boric acid (roach proof), carpet freshener, baking soda, Sevin Dust 5% mix and put back in carpet fresh shaker. Hit the tops of baseboards and the whole carpet even under furniture everything. I am tall avoid breathing the dust! Vacuum frequently apply until fleas are gone then apply one last time. 1/4 teaspoon boric acid to a quart of water is eye wash! If you need a spray just enough dish liquid (Dawn) to produce bubbles with the sprayer wet (drown) what ever it is dead no residual action, mild laxative if you drink enough!


Active Member
Thanks boss but im gonna order a bunch of stuff monday...But ur mixture does look potent and deadly lol..Thats what we have to do with the powder were ordering it get swept into the hardwood floors put along baseboard all over furniture and were also gonna get the flea comb and dishsoap...After a couple weeks totally gone after initial use more than half gone..Might take a minute but its a safe way to do it...


Active Member
I agree with plantvision, it will NOT kill your plant but your not going to be wanting to smoke pesticides. Find out how long the stuff stays active and if it is water salable. If it is water salable then throw those babies in the shower after.
I was using a synthetic Pyrethrin for 330 apartment units lived on property. Bulb died in babies closet bagseed grow. BIL was in DTs got any thing!?? See whats in closet have not looked in months forgot! Came back THAT WAS THE BEST YELLOW..... Got any more!? Just what fell on the floor it was SPRAYED WITH REQ.....INSECTICIDE! He swept out the floor no harm to my knowledge but he was XBIL shortly. So should I ask my nephews how their dad is and post back???:roll::mrgreen: Sevin on tomatoes never hurt me.


Active Member
Just find some : DEMONX wetable powder. Use as a broad cast spray hit baseboards and entire carpet under everything!! This is not for California so you know it will work!! Place white paper on floor and watch Fleas jump. $47 for a two - pack at DIY Pest store the additive to stop juveniles from maturing is up to you Demonx will kill them!


Well-Known Member
Just close the closet door. If you're really worried run a strip of duct tape along the bottom. That should be the only place any appreciable amount could get in.


Well-Known Member


Active Member
UMMM not true bro once the fleas r in ur house they stay until u kill them...And the collars dont work on my golden at ALL as they have given my money back 2 different times..Im not bombing the house anymore bro just useing this powder stuff that u sweep into ur floor then vacuum it this 3 times a week for 3-4 weeks then there completly gone...