Humidity high for 6+ hours cleaning and maintenance

Hello, I got a tent from a friend it was in storage for a while. I think I cleaned it fairly well with a bleach solution. Also, I sprayed H2o2 29% diluted all around and let it sit for about 15 to 30 minutes. I have seedlings that are a week old, My humidity went up to 99% (Damn near raining) over night, for possibly 6 hours, exhaust fan was off, oscillating fan was off do to power loss on one outlet. I reset my breaker turned exhaust fan on and oscillating fan got humidity back down to 70% temp staying at 78. Did I just cause Mold? How to I prevent Mold? Can I spray the roof of the tent with H202 solution and let it sit while my plants are in there? How can I prevent bugs also at this point? Can I Continuously keep spraying cleaning solutions but make sure my plants are covered?