Humidity problems.... Please help


HI everyone

Once again I am back with another problem lol. Everything has been going well since I sorted out my last problem but now I am really struggling with keeping the humidity levels down and this is really strange as when I was in the veg stage it was hard for me to keep it up at the right level.

Basically they are in the third week of flowering and looking great. I have two cheese and two blue cheese (this is my first grow by the way) But at night the humidity in rising all the way up to 70-80% and IM told that blue cheese is prone to mould so I am really worried. During the day I am doing ok at keeping it around the 50% mark.

I do turn the fan off at night as I fear it will get too cold in there for them... Am I right in thinking this? I still have the extraction fan sucking the air out but the fan in the tent I turn off

I can't afford a dehumidifier at the moment so is there anything I can do to bring it down during the night?

Tried to explain the best I can but had a smoke so sorry if it doesnt make much sense..

mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
Whats up bro! The fan won't make them cold its just circulating air.if you can raise your temps a few degrees your humidity will stabilize. When they drop in the night the humidity goes up!


Whats up bro! The fan won't make them cold its just circulating air.if you can raise your temps a few degrees your humidity will stabilize. When they drop in the night the humidity goes up!
Hey bro

Thanks for the reply.. Ok I will leave the fan on from now on then. Is it a problem though that the humidity is rising to 70-80%?

For the daytime - I am getting a 400w bulb in the next few days so I'm sure that will raise the temps a bit so will be fine then.. Just really worried about mould as ive read a lot of people saying blue cheese is prone to it but they are looking great at the moment but obviously the buds are not very big so was just thinking it might not be much of a problem now but when the buds get bigger it might be.


Active Member
hey im currently doing my first grow as well but only in veg phase so far, to what i've read 60-70% is ideal for veg and try to keep under 45% for flow

I was currently checking something about mold because i think i smoked crappy sht moldy weed back in last spring and ive got lungs problems since march 2013
so here it is

Preventing / Treating mold on marijuana

Mold needs at least 15% moisture to survive, so the best way to prevent mold is to keep all harvested marijuana in the ideal 10%-15% moisture content level. Growers should always allow enough time for freshly cut plants to dry in a dark ventilated area. Marijuana being cured in jars should be opened every 12 to 24 hours to allow proper air flow. Always be careful when attempting to re-hydrate over-dried buds by adding orange peels or water because it’s very easy to add too much moisture and fruit peels are an easy breeding ground for mold.


mr sunshine

Well-Known Member
I don't know how humidity in the 80s will affect your buds to be honest with you every strain is different. Low temps and moisture tend to raise humidity and high temps tend to lower it so many you can try a little heater and see how that works for you!