Humidity problems

I'm having issues with high humidity in my basement grow.. I have a dehumidifier and it definately helps but also heats my room up as it runs.. I was curious if anyone knew any tricks?


Well-Known Member
I would say the trick for you is airflow. Do you have any smell control? If not you may want to invests in a filter or an ozone generator. then you can vent the air outside. air flow is important. I have an exhaust fan going 24/7, but I live where no one would have a reason to smell it. If you don't have human problems, create low pressure in the basement and vent it outside, You'll pull conditioned air from the rest of your house. That will help with the moisture.


New Member
Run an A/C unit in conjunction with your de-humidifier. Where I live I have no other choice and believe that humidity control and temps are in the top three most important factors.