humidity probs

any ideas how to bring the humidity down in my room.its a small setup 3x3x3.have a fan set up and extractor fan but still its going off the scale,running wet on the walls as well,any ideas...thanks in advance.cant use a dehumidify as it would draw to much attention


Well-Known Member
You need to suck more air out but you also need to be sure you got a hole the same size letting air in. you also need a fan for air circulation.
You need to suck more air out but you also need to be sure you got a hole the same size letting air in. you also need a fan for air circulation.
thanks for that,have all you have mentioned,ive tried to lag it in polysterene,this seemed to do the job with the wetness bt pushed the temps up and the humidity went up even further even though the room was drying out it down to about 78% at the mo,but will have to reduce ths even further for there anything that i can put in the room to reduce it ,like some sort of gel bags.:joint:

newbie grow420

Active Member
Well I have an idea for you. I don't know from experience with this but it worth a try. I remember seeing some kind of household chemical that people use to get rid of the musty smell of the basement like a dehumidifing agent I think its in the household cleaner section I think near the drano and septic tank stuff is where I have seen this. Like I said I don't know how well this works but it would be quiet so you should try to look for something like this. Sorry I don't have more info I just remembered seeing this stuff before. I havent had an issue with humidity its very dry here if anything I have to add it during veg.


Well-Known Member
You need to get some Damp Rid or something like it. It's normally sold in grocery stores in the dishwashing soap aisle or in most hardware stores.
